Chapter 13

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My body was ice-cold despite the soft rays of sunlight caressing my black cloak. I didn't see nor hear anything going on around me. All I could focus on was the fresh lump of dirt three feet in front of me and the small headstone with one name and two dates. A human's grave in the middle of Silver Moon's cemetery.

Judy's grave.

I was barely aware of Vivian's shaking figure next to me and Rob's square shoulders next to her. Both of them had been there during the funeral, but they were still staring at the grave as if it was their first time seeing it.

The rest of our surrounding was deadly quiet despite the fact that we weren't alone. All thirteen witches who had come with me to the werewolf castle, now stood around us in a wide semi-circle.

The werewolves had already explained to me what had happened, however, a part of me still refused to accept it. During the attack on the castle, a rogue had discovered Judy wandering down a hallway. And because she had been able to move he decided he needed to take care of her.

Theo had assured me that the bastard was already dead, but that didn't change the fact that so was Judy.

A part of me couldn't believe I had missed all three funerals—my mother's funeral five years ago, then my father's funeral less than a year after and now Judy's funeral. While I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to either of my birth parents, I was determined to do so with Judy. And I wanted to give both Rob and Vivian a chance to say their goodbyes as well.

For the first time since our arrival, I looked up from the grave. I found a small witch standing a step closer to the grave than the rest, and without missing a beat I nodded at her. The moment our eyes met she began chanting the necessary words. She was the only Spirit witch in our little group, which made her the only one who was able to do this. The only one able to summon a ghost.

A second after the last syllable passed her lips, the surrounding air began to shimmer with electricity. An almost invisible mist covered the top of the dirt in front of the headstone until a transparent figure began to rise from the earth. First her head, then her shoulders and stomach, and finally her feet, which stopped when she was floating three inches above the ground.

Judy's ghost.

Next to me Vivian chocked on a sob and edged a small step backward. I didn't pay her any attention, though. The moment my eyes landed on Judy's soft and caring face, a flood of tears spilled down my cheeks. My arm shot up and I grasped at the empty air.

Luckily, the ghost was too far away for me to accidentally come into contact with it. It wasn't fatal to touch a ghost, but it was a bone-shaking experience every witch and wizard repeated only once.

With one last flicker Judy's ghost fully materialized and a sad smile colored her lips.

"I'm so sorry, Judy." My arm fell lifelessly down to my body.

"Oh, no darling." Even in death, her eyes hadn't lost their warmth. "You're not to blame. No one is. God had decided it was my time to go." She smiled a sad smile at the three of us before turning her eyes to her eldest son. "Robert, there are no words to describe how proud I am of you. And how happy I am you found someone like Zara. All I can tell you is to love her like I loved your father. I love you, Robert." With a loving smile, she turned to Vivian who looked unnaturally pale. "My sweet girl."

With that, Vivian broke into a loud cry. "Mom, I don't want you to go. I want you to stay. Please, stay. I can't... I can't do this without you."

"It's okay, Vivian." Judy ghost hovered in front of her. "You are a strong young woman and I know you'll achieve great things. Just wait and see. Don't waste your life mourning me and your father. Live. Live your life for us, so that when you join us you'll have lots to tell us. I love you, my darling. With all my heart."

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