Chapter 27

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That night, I laid on the bed in the guest room with a million thoughts running through my head. How was I going to tell my grandparents that I was going to be staying with them for awhile? What was I going to do with Evan and Jasper who were sleeping in the living room just down the hall? What's going to happen to me?

Even though I was out of my mothers house, I couldn't help but still feel like I don't belong anywhere. The only place I felt safe was my room, and now I can picture my mother picking out wallpaper for the nursery for the baby she'll probably end up having with whats his name.

I was just happy that my grandparents didn't pressure me into telling them what was really going on, but I knew they knew I was hiding something. When I past their bedroom earlier after I had finished brushing my teeth in the upstairs bathroom, I could hear them whispering from behind their closed door. I couldn't make out much of it, but every now and then I would be able to pick out a word or two, but not enough to make sense of it.

I glanced at the digital clock displayed on the nightstand next to the bed. It was a little after one in the morning, yet I couldn't fall asleep. I would toss and turn, but that didn't do anything but get my cast wrapped up in a blanket. 

With a sigh, I pushed myself up into a sitting position and took a deep breath. Overthinking was my biggest fault in life, and right now it is getting the best of me.

I placed my head in my hands and groaned. The more I overthought about what was going on, the more I felt at unease. I needed to clear my head, but I couldn't do that in here.

I reached down and grabbed my crutches off the floor. When I wedged them underneath my arms, I hoisted myself up onto my good foot. I carefully maneuvered around the bed in the dark and made my way to the door.

The door quietly creaked when I pushed it open. When I stepped out in the hallway, I didn't bother to close the door behind me. The hallway was pitch black, and it made it a bit harder to walk around without bumping into things.

"Ow," I quietly hissed when the toe of my cast bumped the corner of the table in the living room. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth and looked up. Even though I couldn't see anything, I knew both Evan and Jasper were sleeping mere feet away from me.

My sudden yelp didn't disturb either one of them. From the glow of the moonlight through the closed window, I could see the outline of both boys. Evan was lightly snoring  on the air mattress, and Jasper was on the pull out bed on the couch with his back to me.

Slowly, I made my way to the front door as quietly as I could, but the rubber ends on the crutches made noise every time they hit the hardwood floor. When I reached the door, I reached out and grasped the cold metal knob with me hand and twisted.

The warm night air was calm when I stepped out. The sound of crickets coming from the nearby bushes was the only sound that I could hear. Even the wind chimes stayed in place.

I took a seat on the rocking chair that was farthest from the door. It had been years since I had last sat on this porch, but it felt weird to me and I didn't know why. Maybe since it was late. Typically when I sat in the chair, it was daytime and I wasn't alone. Since it was just me, I just felt out of place.


Jaspers POV

Laying on the pull out mattress in Hattie's grandparents house had to be in the top five weirdest things I have done. I didn't expect to be here this long, and I was half convinced that I should just slip away into the night when her grandparents were helping us set up the living room for both Evan and I. At least, I was going to do it until Mable mentioned she would make waffles in the morning.

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