But he's cute!

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James was leaving the campus of his college towards the dorms so he could get some well deserved sleep after a full day of classes. He was bundled up since it was winter night in Canada, so his tan skin was barely seen in all his layers. His brown curls were underneath his hat and his blue eyes were framed by frozen dark lashes. James shuffled into a short cut through two restaurants to get to the dorm and warmth quicker. But he didn't see the two shapes at the back of the alley that popped out when he got to them. They grabbed him and one of the two beefy looking girls brought a knife to his neck.

"Give us your money and you get to live with your face intact," whisper shouted the woman with the knife. 

"I don't have anything on me except my notes and pencil case," James admitted fearfully.

Like he'd thought, the women didn't look so happy with his answer and the knife came up right against his exposed cheek. 

"I wouldn't want to mess up such a plain face buddy, I'm sure you have something."

Thoughts and plans rushed inside James' head, but he couldn't come up with anything  solid to get him out of this unhurt. He'd left everything in his dorm room except what he'd needed for class so he didn't even have his phone since it was charging. His deep blue eyes flashed around them for a second and he saw no one that was close enough to help him. All this went on for a about a few seconds, but they were a few seconds too long because the woman holding him shook him roughly. 

"Money now kid or I'll cut you up!" the lady growled and her hot breath was too close to James' face.

"Please let me go, I swear I have nothing," he pleaded.

"Not good enough."

James didn't feel the shallow cut that she'd made with all the adrenaline, but he knew it was there from the blood on her knife. He searched the area again and caught sight of a slinking figure behind the two woman who were too busy watching James. The man brought his hand to his lips to motion James to be quiet and James obeyed gladly. 

"I'm not lying, please, just let me go!" James cried to continue to hold their attention.

The man was close enough by then that he launched for the woman with the knife with a low snarl. The other woman held onto James and looked terrified of what was happening because there was now a huge wolf staring back at them.

"Eat the kid!" she yelled before bolting out of the alley. She didn't hesitate to abandon her friend or to leave James to be eaten by the wolf.

James took careful steps back from the wolf and his adrenaline levels spiked even more at the new threat he had to deal with. But the wolf let out a yip and wagged his tail happily. James peeked out from behind his bag to see the wolf watching him carefully as if the animal was thinking. Maybe he wasn't going to die, was what James thought a second before the wolf grabbed him by the back of his jacket and raced off. James yelled and shouted but no one heard him because the wolf had ran into the forest. James realized that he was at this wolf's mercy and curled up in his jacket because the rushing air was icy cold. James blanked out as the wolf ran tirelessly with him in his mouth, but the again the wolf was almost the size of a horse. 

He was relieved and a little scared when the wolf brought him out of the dense woods for the first time and saw a small community. He had been in downtown Edmonton and the nearest small community y what he could see was 5 km by car. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon unless someone was willing to drive him in the middle of the night because someone's pet got loose. The wolf hadn't stopped moving and was walking down the main street of the community and straight to the biggest manor in the town. James wondered what happened to the guy who had tried to help him and hoped he got away from the wolf.

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