Chapter 10 Part I

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I know, I know - I'm sorry for not updating but here it is. 

The chapter that you waited for :) *hopefully*

And a long one too!

Anyway, read, vote, comment if you want :))


Okay, I might've exaggerated when I said I quote 'a one handed monster was crawling towards me'. As the door opened further, I saw a toddler on the floor and realized that this must be Chen. Chen, who was crawling to me - well more towards the Unknown as in outside. I positioned my suitcases so, that they wouldn't fall down and hoisted Chen against my hip.

"Trying to escape?" I asked him. "Well, good luck -  I've tried and failed."

He stared at me with his big brown eyes like I was an idiot. Fine, he wasn't looking at me like that but I had this weird feeling that when babies looked at us, they just see dumb people who try to do something dumb. That's why they laugh because they find us so funny or because they genuinely have fun.

From my peripheral vision I saw Mrs. Avilla rushing to us. "Oh good that you're here and you little one, what were you thinking, huh?" She asked Chen playfully and took him in her arms. "You also got your things, that's good."

"Are you in a rush?" I asked her because here eyes focused on something behind me as if someone would come.

Mrs. Avilla laughed nervously. "Ah, yes. I'm sorry but there is an emergency at the hospital and I'm the head of the hospital. I need to be there."

I didn't want her to feel guilty for leaving me alone so I smiled at her reassuringly, even if I was a little disappointed. "No, it's totally okay. It's a matter of life and death."

"That it is." She walked to me and put a hand on my shoulder while Chen watched us. "Thanks, Emerson. I promise you, I'll make it up to you."

I still had my smile on my face so I didn't bother to say anything. I was glad that Mrs. Avilla accompanied me inside. I wouldn't have gone inside alone if I had to. I would've driven away until I would've been found by the police because I believed, if I had escaped, Mrs. Avilla would've called the police.

I grimaced, realizing how true it was. Mrs. Avilla turned to me. "Your room is on the second floor, Ludovica will show it you."

As she said that a small woman emerged from somewhere right beside her. I was glad that I didn't jump when Ludovica with her brown eyes, brown hair with gray streaks in a bun at the nape of her neck, glasses (reminding me of my own glasses, which I thankfully packed) and red lips came out of nowhere. She reminded me of a woman who would either live in a grand mansion in Spain or Italy.

Ludovica nodded at me and I did the same before saying bye to Mrs. Avilla, who took Chen with her because he didn't let go of her. Such a mother child but since his dad was overseas I understood why he wanted her and well, he was a toddler.

Ludovica didn't talk to me, she only said that she was the head for all the workers, who worked her as cooks, helpers, cleaners, gardeners, etc. I suppose she wasn't a very talkative person as she led me the birfucated stairs up. I remember that the first floor was an office kind of space for Mrs. and Mr. Avilla or a meeting place, where they held various meetings. The second floor beheld the bedrooms of Mrs. and Mr. Avilla, Chen, Alika and guest rooms - one of them mine now. While the third floor belonged to the boys.

I had a room there, I always stayed up there when Henry wanted me to sleep over or if I didn't want to go home but since he destroyed the room, I had to get a new one. I was actually glad that I wasn't living on the third floor, that I didn't need to face Henry. Cam...well Cam threatened me but spending a little time with him wouldn't kill me.

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