3. A Strange Proposal

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It was Saturday today, a whole week had passed and I couldn't arrange the money. Tank would be here anytime and knowing him, he won't hesitate before throwing me out of this place that owned my heart and soul.

"Please don't cry, Scarlet. You know I can't see you crying." Liam said beside me but I couldn't help it. I have never felt this weak and helpless before.

"I lost it. What will I tell my mama? I opened this bakery for her but I lost it." I mumbled in between my hiccups.

"I know you are hurt but the customers were asking for you, their ball of sunshine. You can't just hide in there." he said and a feeble smile appeared on my lips on hearing about my loyal customers.

But then the smile changed into a frown. "What's the point? The bakery is closing anyway." I said.

"Oh Scar," he said and pulled me into a hug. I rested my face on his shoulder and let the tears fall from my eyes.

We were sitting there when we heard a particular voice that belonged to Cara. I didn't want her to get disappointed so I stood up and rubbed my cheeks to wipe my tears off. I knew my cheeks would be looking puffy and my nose would be red by now.

Hoping that she won't notice it, I made my way out of the kitchen with her banana bread packed neatly. There she was, grinning wide, her long blonde hair tied into pigtails.

"Good afternoon, Scarlet." she said once she noticed me.

"Good afternoon, Cara." I lowered myself to her level and said. Then I shifted my gaze to her grandmother who was assessing me with calculative eyes. "Good afternoon, Catheryn."

"Did you make banana bread for me?" Cara asked, her eyes fixated on the box.

"Yes, I did. But first tell me, did you eat any chewy candy today?" I asked.

"No, I promise." she said, raising her pinky finger.

"Good girl." I pinched her cheeks gently and gave the box to her.

"What will you make for me tomorrow?" she asked and my whole mood soured. How will I tell this little girl that I won't be here tomorrow?

My eyes switched to Liam and he had the same expressions as me. "I... Um... Actually, I am closing the bakery for few days." I changed the truth a little because I hoped she would forget about me in few days.

"But why?" The corners of her lips turned downwards and she pouted.

"Sweetheart, actually..." My eyes moved to her grandmother for any help because I didn't know how to tell her.

Understanding my hesitation, she spoke, "Cara, baby. Wait in the car. I'll pay for it." Cara immediately nodded and then waving her hand at me, made her way to the car standing just outside my bakery.

"Is everything alright?" Catheryn asked and I shifted in my position uncomfortably.

"Actually, I am closing this bakery." I told her.

Her perfectly trimmed eyebrows dipped on hearing this. "Any particular reason?" she asked, curiosity dripping from her eyes

"Well, I had some financial issues so I couldn't pay the rent." I told her. "But don't worry, I'll tell you the names of some other bakers that I hope Cara will love."

"Do you think she comes here for the desserts? Scarlet, my granddaughter loves you." she said and I felt heat crawling up my neck at her words. I was never good with accepting any compliments or things like that so I just stood there silently, with a stupid smile on my face. "How much money do you need?"

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I asked how much money do you need?" she repeated and I stared at her as if I had grown two heads.

"I... Um... Well... Five thousand dollars." I stuttered, not knowing whether to tell her or not. "But it doesn't matter now. This bakery would never work in the presence of this new fancy cafe with their new fancy menu."

At this, she smiled and I felt slightly afraid of looking into her big, blue eyes. "I have a proposition for you."

"What kind of proposition?" I asked and even Liam looked really interested in whatever she has to say.

"You don't have a boyfriend, do you?" she interrogated. Gulping, I shook my head in no.

"Good. I'll give you as much money as you need to buy this place from the owner and completely refurnish it so you can compete with the bigger names out there." she said and my eyes widened like a saucers at her offer. "But in return, I want you to be Cara's mother."

"What?" I choked on the air on hearing this.


I was pacing front to back in the bakery, playing with the hem of my shirt nervously. The sign on the door of the bakery had been changed from 'Open' to 'Close' because I was not in my best state to deal with any customer today, after a bomb that had been dropped on my head.

Liam had been sitting on the empty counter, watching me pace anxiously with a frown on his face. "What does that woman think of herself? Did she really think she would offer you a marriage and you'll agree? Bullshit." he said in an irritated voice.

"But would it be that bad?" I asked and his frown deepened. It was 6 in the evening and Tank would be here soon to throw us out. After Catheryn told me how Cara needs a mother and how this marriage can help me save my bakery, I couldn't help but consider the pros and cons of her offer.

"Are you seriously saying this?" Liam stood up and walked towards me, stopping me in my tracks.

"I mean, she can help me save this bakery. And in return, she just wants me to take care of that girl as her mother." I said and my stomach churned in anxiety at the thought of actually marring someone without love.

"Scarlet, she wants you to marry a man and take care of his daughter, without expecting any love in return. It is that bad." he said and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "You always wanted a love marriage. Didn't you?"

"But I'm 25 and never been in love." I said and sat down on a chair, resting my face in my palms. My mind was a mess right now and I had no idea what to do. "I can't lose my bakery on mere hope that I'd find love someday."

Liam kneeled in front of me and cupped my chin. "Scarlet, you can't do this. You said world needs optimist like you just a week ago. You can't talk like that."

"I am being an optimist, Liam. By agreeing to her proposal, I can save my bakery that was my mother's dream and take care of a little girl who doesn't know the meaning of motherly love. Isn't that being positive?" I said, despite the thumping of my heart.

Liam looked like he wanted to smack some sense into my head but he chose not to. He knew this place was very important for me and losing it would take a toll on me. He also knew that if I wanted to, I can be very stubborn and persuading.

"But what if Cara's father is an ugly, bald man or worse, a manwhore?" he asked, looking slightly horrified.

"Liam, didn't I tell you there is no such thing as ugly? And for your latter worry, God I hope not." I said, ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach. I knew I was being irrational but I didn't have time. Tank would be here any minute now and I needed to find a solution of this problem.

"Scar, I seriously think you should refuse. I don't feel good about sacrificing yourself to save a bakery." he said, looking actually worried. This was the side of Liam I didn't saw often. He was most of the times cheerful and carefree.

"It's not just a bakery Liam, and you know it." I said and pity swirled inside his brown eyes. Liam and I had the same hair color and eye color which often made people believe that we were somehow related.

Passing him a brief smile, I picked up my phone to call Catheryn and tell her that I was willing to meet her son.


Does Scarlet's decision feel unnatural to you?

And how would her first meeting with Evan go?

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