Chapter twenty- Kyle's letter

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I was still staying with Hanna and Brice. River had been calling me to come home but I couldn't i just felt so guilty still. I went to my back and found the letter that Kyle had wrote me before he died. I needed to read it I wanted to know what it said. I pulled the envelope back and pulled the paper open. The first line had me crying.

'Baby, you're probably thinking why would he do this how could he do this but it's because I couldn't go on no more without you or Hunter. I know I shouldn't have gone out the way I did and leave you both, but Ava my life wasn't good since you were gone. My wolf had left me and I couldn't get him back and they say when you're wolf soul dies, so does you're human soul I just left before it took me the way it wanted. I wanted you to know that you will always be the girl of my dreams, the one I will forever love remember forever baby that's our line, but now I'm gone I don't want you to shut River out, Hunter will need a figure in his life and River is the best for the job, because he's only young he most likely will grow to call River dad but that's fine baby as long as when he's 16 you give him my letter and always remind him of me as soon as he hits a age to know about me. I want you to move on and maybe marry River and have more children, Hunter will want more brothers and sister when he grows up.

I could imagine him laughing to himself at that line.

"Baby, when Hunter shifts into a wolf Brice will need to be there because Hunter will need all the training he can get, when he's at the age of 18 he will become alpha of my pack seeing as he's my son, until then Brice will remain alpha but he knows he has to give it up to Hunter only when he's rightful age though. Brice will explain it more in detail nearer to the time.
I will always love you Ava! And make sure you give Hunter a kiss from me every night. I'll miss you baby and remember lets get it on.
Forever baby.
Love Kyle.

I didn't think it was possible to cry as much as I was, but I know knew i had to listen to Kyle and return back to River who was probably in the same level of depression as Kyle was when I left him only worse because he's my mate.
I knew one thing I was going home.

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