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"You know, you look cute when you sleep with your mouth ajar and a cute snore." Evan said pulling my cheeks in his usual playful deep throaty voice.

"Ouch! It hurts and I don't snore." I said rubbing my cheeks.

"You do snore, Vi. And I like your cute bubbly cheeks, I can pull them all the day." Evan said kissing my cheek making me blush.

I looked down at my fingers in my lap blushing and Evan lifted my face, with his index finger down my chin.

"You know, you are the most beautiful and innocent girl, I have ever seen. Everything about you makes me fall in love with you. Your smile, your antics and even the way you adjust those glasses of yours." He said removing my glasses.

"Evan, what are you doing?" I asked trying to take back my glasses.

"I want to look into those beautiful eyes without any barriers." He said cupping my face in his hands and looking straight into my eyes. "I Love You, Violet Everly."

"I Love you too, Evan. I love you more than anyone else. You are the only one I love and can trust with my life." I said looking into his eyes.

His chocolate brown orbs reflecting a strange emotion that I couldn't decipher. He delicately placed his soft lips on mine and kissed me, I wrapped my arms around him letting myself drown in his love.

A feel of something wet and soft on my face made me wake up, as I opened my eyes, I saw two familiar chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. His eyes looked at me with much love as he placed his hand on my cheek making me smile. The start of my day couldn't be better than this.

"Aww... My baby woke up so early." I said in a baby voice as I placed My 11 months old son, Archer in my lap as I sat up on my bed.

He babbled some incoherent words bouncing in my lap. Again I dreamt about him like every night from past 18 months. No matter how much I try to forget him, I couldn't. I loved him so dearly and gave my heart to him, only for him to break it into pieces. A lone tear escaped my eyes as I remembered about the incidents of my past that I am trying hard to forget. Archie placed his hand on face and looked at me with concern.

Archer Damien Everly, my reason to live, my cute baby. He was the only good thing that occured to me in my relationship with Evander. He's an intelligent kid for his age, mischievous and full pack of energy. His energy amazes me, how can one be so active and energetic all the time. Then again that was something he inherited from his father along with those chocolate brown eyes and silky black hair. He looks almost like me except for those eyes and hair.

"Come on, Baby. Let's get you bathed." I said as I carried him into the bathroom.

I placed him in the warm water tub and gave him his rubber ducks with which he played laughing cheerfully while I washed his hair carefully, not to let the foam enter his eyes and make him all cranky. He started lapping the water with his little hands making it splash all around and began to bounce in the tub.

"Archie, don't do that." I said holding his hands and making him steady. I just have to wash the foam of his hair but he is giving me hard time by not being steady. Finally after several attempts and much effort, I got him bathed and wrapped a fluffy baby blue towel around him which has duck prints on it.

I carried his to the bedroom and placed him on my bed. I turned around to take his clothes and diapers and when I turned back he already managed to crawl out of the towel and  was sitting on the bed showing his two small teeth. I am going to have a tough time to run around him once he starts walking, I am afraid that I may not be able to match his energy to run around him all the day. I began to make him wear his onesie, while he was busy playing with his soft toys, my parents brought for him.

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