Chapter 25 - Lothlórien

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As they reached the horses, Nicassius's strength began to dwindle fast. Legolas checked the wound on her shoulder, it was black and he could see it spreading through her veins.

"I think she has been poisoned" he said to Aragorn as he lifted her onto his horse

In the distance they could hear the high pitch screech of the black rider who had found his horse and was now following fast behind them.

"You must race ahead" Aragorn told Legolas "get her inside the boarders of Lothlórien and he will not be able to follow, his evilness will not get past the magic of the forest"

Legolas agreed and quickly mounted his horse behind Nicassius taking her in his arms and setting off as fast as he could. The men followed behind at a slower pace to try and head off the Nazgul in a different direction. The orcs had also begun pursuing them on the wargs and it was now a race against time for Legolas to get her to safety. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly as they rode at great speed. She could feel the darkness of the poison engulfing her body and she could hear Khamul's voice calling her name, it whispered through the trees and seemed to be everywhere around them.

"He is coming for me, I can hear him calling out to me" she breathed into Legolas's ear.

"Hold on tight, I will not let him take you again" Legolas whispered back to her as they navigated through the trees.

Lothlórien, also known as Lórien, was a mystical realm located not far from Dol Guldur, in between Mirkwood and the lower Misty Mountains. like Thranduil's Kingdom of northern Mirkwood, it was settled by Silvan Elves, and It was protected by the ring of the Lady Galadriel. Caras Galadon, the main city of Lórien, was where Legolas was headed.

Aragorn, Niall and Neymar rode west of the forest diverting the orcs away from the path that Legolas had followed, however Khamul had tracked Nicassius and was gaining on them, the closer he got to her the stronger his hold became and she screamed out in pain as she could feel his darkness spread into her body, his poison was burning through her like hot flames and she was slowly becoming what he was, she was becoming a wraith. His horse rode at an unnatural speed that Legolas could not compete with and with every inch that he gained on them she was slowly dying in his arms.

"Don't fade on me Nicassius" he said to her "You cannot leave me now" his voice became desperate "I love you" he whispered, the words ran through her body spreading hope and she felt the blood in her heart begin to pump faster as though she was coming alive again, she gripped into him, letting him know that she felt the same and she held on tighter fighting with all her strength against the evilness. All of a sudden they seemed to speed up, like they were flying, his horse found strength from some unknown source and Khamul's evilness began to fall back into the trees as he screamed out for her, his voice fading in the distance as they crossed through into Lothlórien and he was no longer able to follow.

They reached Caras Galadon and were meet by a group of Elves, the head of them was Haldair.

"Welcome Legolas Greenleaf" Haldair greeted him.

"Haldair, it is good to see you again. She is fading fast" Legolas replied as Haldair reached up to take Nicassius down from the horse "She was stabbed with a poisoned blade of the Nazgul" Haldair caught her in his arms as Legolas dismounted.

"We must act quickly" Haldair spoke "we must take her to the Lady Galadriel" he said to Leoglas as he passed Nicassius back into his arms. They walked with speed though the city until they reached the chambers were Galadriel resided.

"Welcome Legolas son of Thranduil, I have been expecting you" Galadriel spoke as they entered.

Legolas lay Nicassius down in front of her, Galadriel could see she was now part wraith, her skin pale and transparent, the poison was spreading fast and she was slowly dying.

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