[Chapter 23] "The Invasion"

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She walks behind a corner and the only thing I can see is her tail sticking out. It slowly starts to shrink as I am not able to see it anymore. What comes out of that corner is a naked woman with blonde hair and razor-sharp teeth smiling.

(Hikari) - "Do I look hideous now?"

(Karen) - "You have achieved the title [Damnit Hikari]"



After that little incident, Jason shows us the way out which is a simple door with a SINGLE wooden bar in it. This is classic when it comes to Skyrim because no matter how strong you are in the game, wooden doors can not be moved if there is a bar there.

I open up the bar and I look over to Jason and I catch him taking glances behind us towards Hikari. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. The room temperature drops not from Hikari, but from my aura.

(Alderam) - "Keep your eyes forward. That's my wife you are looking at..."

He starts to sweat and turns back around leading us to an... elevator? When we get inside, the door closes and we start flying upwards at crazy speeds. It doesn't really affect us considering that we are all freaks of nature.

When the elevator stops, we arrive at a cave with a single orange button at the end. As he pushes it, the rocks move to reveal the outside world. Why the hell does Skyrim have that kind of stuff. All of that work and all you had to do was find an opening in a cave system to reach the bottom floor.

It is different in this case because I would have been weak to the point of pathetic and would have not met Hikari.

(Jason) - "Here you go, the top of the mountain and the exit to my dungeon."

Since we are at the top of the mountain, we had a great view of the land that surrounds us. We can see the village, the surrounding forest, and the city of Dawn smoking from here! 

Wait a minute...

(Alderam) - "Um, does the kingdom normally smoke like that?"

(Jason) - "No, it's either one hell of a festival, or it is being attacked."

*sigh*, I guess the next antagonist is over there isn't he? Conveniently placed after the battle with Leo. I guess I will have to go no matter what my opinion on the subject is. I feel kinda bad leaving Jason alone.

(Alderam) - "Hikari, when we all get to the kingdom of dawn, we probably should attract as little attention as possible, so please find a way to do that."

(Hikari) - "Why rammy?"

(Alderam) - "First of all, I thought we discussed that you won't call me rammy. Second, because they don't need to see a BIG-ASS DRAGON HOVERING OVER THEIR CITY!"

Hikari turns around and pouts a little bit.

(Hikari) - "...fine..."

(Alderam) - "Hey Jason, you should come with..."

(Hikari) - "No, goodbye pathetic mortal."

In half a second, she is already back into her dragon form and I see her tail fly at me. I try to run, but it is all for naught as she catches me. Oh shit... once again I get dragged by the neck and she takes flight towards the kingdom of Dawn. 

(Alderam) - "ACK... HIKARI... I... CAN'T... BREATHE!"

(Hikari) - "This is punishment for thy rude behavior!"

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