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Chapter 11

"What're we doing today?"

"The devil's making us play a game of volleyball." Holly Dae chewed obnoxiously on her gum.

"Lighten up," Nik said to us. "Volleyball's fun."

"Easy for you to say, babe." Holly Dae poked him.

We got into teams and I got stuck with all the students who took high school gym class a little too seriously. I was not gifted when it came to anything related to sport. I usually just tried to blend into the background. 

I got called to serve the ball. I stood with my feet apart. Nik across the gymnasium gestured for me how to hit the ball. More difficult than one might expect. I held the ball in my palm, tossed it into the air, and struck it with my other arm. It flew to the right and almost knocked down Coach Keller. "Sorry!" I grimaced as he yelled at me.

The game continued on and fortunately nobody paid much attention to me. Being short in some cases came to an advantage.

"Max!" Nik called to me. The ball was in his hands, and I was standing right at the front.

I got this. I got th—

I rolled up on my tiptoes and the volleyball smacked against my face. It fell to the floor with a resounding thud. The force of the impact sent me staggering backward against the wall. My eyes started to water and I howled in pain. Bones and his friend Garret burst into a round of hearty laughter, like they found my pain a source of entertainment for them.

"You're supposed to catch it with your hands, not your face, Max." Coach scowled.

"I know," I whimpered. "I think I'm just going to sit this one out." My headache was getting worse. I dragged my feet to the benches and thudded down.

"Your eyelids are purple, hon. Might want to get that checked out," Genevieve said to me as she sashayed past. She gave a bright and suspiciously phoney smile over her shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse me. A cutie's waiting for me."

She walked out the gymnasium despite Coach Keller threatening to expel her.

We all knew he wouldn't dare.

* * *

I grabbed the bag of frozen peas and firmly pressed it against my eyelids.

Dad looked at me over the rim of his newspaper. He asked, "What happened there?"

"I got hit in the face with a volleyball."

Dad laughed.

I slumped back in my seat and tipped my chin up, holding the bag of frozen peas to my forehead.

"You all right, kiddo?" Dad had taken off his glasses and was looking at me with a frown.

"I'm fine. I just have a bit of a stomachache."

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