Chapter 9: Struggles

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Elizabeth ~ October 2011

I was cold. I was so cold that everything I felt seemed to burn my hands. I couldn't see and I couldn't move. I was beginning to panic though I knew that I was alive. I felt warmth beside me and I heard mumbled sounds, though I could not make them out. It felt like someone was shaking me, perhaps trying to wake me up. I knew it was impossible though, a sad attempt. The sounds became clearer and I could hear voices and loud sirens.

I could distinguish one voice from the rest; it was Nick's. I could hear him frantically trying to wake me up, shaking me and screaming in my ear. Not even a kiss from Prince Charming could awaken me, that much I was certain. Whatever happened to me was a serious matter. This Riddler had gotten to me, or someone else did. I wasn't sure; I couldn't remember a thing.

I felt my body being lifted and my cheek leaning against a strong shoulder, whose I guessed was Nick's, for his scent filled my nose. I could tell he was tense by the way he held me, his biceps pressing against my frail shoulders. He started running suddenly and I was beginning to wish I was more conscious, so I could see what was going on. Every step he took made my head throb as I bounced in his arms. I wished I could move my body, so I could at least grab my head to keep it from pounding.

Though I looked unconscious on the outside, I surely wasn't on the inside. I could hear perfectly what everyone was saying and basically what was going on. I was now in an ambulance and I could hear the paramedics taking vitals while Nick explained to another policeman what happened, Apparently, he found me lying on a grave, my head before the tombstone and my hair braided with flowers. That was odd, I thought, I didn't remember... Heck, what did I remember? I was following the wall around the cemetery, looking for anything suspicious. That was it! I found something reflecting off my flashlight and looked to see what it was. I didn't even get a chance because I blacked out after that.

Now that I had that straight, I could tell Nick and everyone what I remembered, because I knew that would be the first thing they would ask me when I woke up. Well, I thought, since I'm obviously not waking up from my weird state at the moment, might as well go to sleep. I relaxed my nerves and tried not to think in order to calm my raging headache. I found myself unable to not think, so I occupied my thoughts with Nick, rather than unpleasant reminders. I thought of his face, how his eyes would look into mine. His arms wrapped around me while he was sleeping and his sweet scent. I could feel myself truly begin to relax and begin to fall asleep.

The ambulance jerked to a stop, not allowing me to finish relaxing. I heard movement around the outside and someone opening the doors to roll me out. I knew I was on a gurney at that point; I could feel the wheels of it grinding against the rocky pavement. I felt a hand squeeze my own, and could only guess it was Nick's. He was the only person I wanted to be there. I also wondered why he was still with me and not trying to keep up appearances so our 'affair' would be kept a secret. I was glad that he was there, but slightly worried. I didn't want our shifts to be changed. I also hoped no one else was there to see.

We were inside the hospital by then, the wheels rolled smoother as the pavement changed to linoleum. My head was happy about that, for the throbbing had subsided. I wondered why I was so conscious but unresponsive. What had happened to me? Was I in a coma? Anxiety and fear began to build up in my mind as we traveled through the hospital to a suitable room. Things seemed to be going in slow motion, because it took almost forever for the paramedics to get me to the room, or the ER or wherever we were going. The gurney eventually stopped moving and I was lifted and then lowered again into a much more comfortable bed or mattress.

I was still very worried about my condition as a nurse or doctor began checking my pulse again and trying to open my eyes. When they did that, all I saw was bright white and I wanted to close my eyes because the light bothered them. After a while, things began to calm down, though my worst fear seemed to come true. I heard the doctor say that I was in a comatose state. The anxiety doubled as I fought to bring myself back to reality.

Though my mind was awake, I had a feeling there was a chance my body would never be again.


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