🥀 Chapter Five 🥀

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Monica and Grace slowly make their way down the long corridor, cautiously making sure to be quiet. Monica glances to Grace every few seconds, feeling the need to mention the issue they faced with the length of Grace’s wedding dress.

It was continuously getting in the way for poor Grace, she kept stepping on the bottom of it, and was clearly becoming annoyed by it. Suddenly, she stops and crouches down with hands pulling at the bottom of the dress forcefully. It tears easily until Grace has removed a decent amount of it. By the time she has finished, the dress reaches just above her ankles, giving her more movement without the risk of tripping over the damn thing.

Monica grins in approval, glad to know that they were now thinking the same way. Grace’s survival was the number one priority for the two of them. Her life held weight Monica’s did not. Or at least, that’s how Monica felt.

She pulls Grace to her feet before leading her down the corridor once more. They move quickly and quietly together until they unexpectedly come upon two doors opposite one another. Meanwhile, ahead of them was a concrete wall.


They would have to choose a door and hope for the best.

Grace sighs deeply beside Monica, unsure how to truly feel in this moment. She genuinely didn’t feel like she had the time to process all her feelings. Everything had escalated way to quickly for her liking and honestly, she had more questions than answers. It all just felt a little too overwhelming for her.

“Which one?” Grace asks anxiously as she glances between the two doors.

“I don’t know. What do you think?” Monica shrugs, unsure herself.

“Let’s try the right door. I have a better feeling about that one.” Grace says with an optimistic look in her ocean blues eyes.

“Okay,” Monica agrees with a nod before following Grace as she turns the doorknob and steps out into one of the many hallways of the Le Domas Mansion. They step out silently while closing the door behind them without a word uttered. For a moment, they have hope.

Hope that disappears the moment a beam of light lands upon them, sourced from the flashlight in the aunts hand.

“Found them.” Daniel says with a hint of sadness seeping into his voice.

He meets Monica’s gaze for only a second before her gaze hardens and she grabs Grace’s hand. She turns quickly with Grace just in front. Only, Emilie steps out just in front of the two women and immediately lifts her pistol, aiming it at the two of them.

Daniel steps forward instinctively with discreet concern, helplessly watching as Monica pushes Grace down and out of the path of the oncoming bullets without a thought for her own safety. He jumps back and lands on the floor as some of the bullets come flying towards him, his aunt and his father.

When he eventually looks back towards his sister; Grace and Monica are gone and out of sight. Seemingly having ran off during the chaos of his sister’s erratic gun fire. Thank god.

He frowns while standing slowly once more, his gaze locking in on the few drops of blood on the floor. His head tilts a fraction as he glances to his family members, searching them for any sign that they had been hit whilst his father yells at his useless sister. Though, to his disappointment, neither he nor them appeared to be injured. Which meant only one thing, Monica or Grace had been hit.

That thought strikes something deep within him, triggering something sharp and painful to shoot through his aching heart. He can’t pinpoint exactly what it is but he has an inkling that its one of five things: fear, regret, concern, worry and increasing guilt.

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