Chapter 04

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Ashwick stood at the door to Francis' residence and knocked again, his anger growing by the second

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Ashwick stood at the door to Francis' residence and knocked again, his anger growing by the second.

Anger and anticipation.

He'd wanted to seek Lady Lorena out the morning after his townhouse had burned to the ground, during a party he was sure the entire ton would remember. But he'd been called away to the country for personal matters. It had allowed him to take inventory of the clothing he'd left at Ashwick House in order to bring some of it to London, since nothing had survived the fire.

He'd told himself all week not to think about the worldly possessions he'd lost that night, but could not help doing so. Paintings, rugs, and furniture from India that had been handcrafted specifically to fit his needs. All of it, gone.

Because of the man in the mask. He'd found that part of Lorena's story to be true but he loathed the thought of her putting herself in danger.

He still wasn't sure what he'd do when he saw her. Part of him wanted to wrap his arms around her lovely neck, but he also wanted to place his hands in other places.

He'd never denied his attraction to Lady Lorena. He'd heard whispers about her before her debut, from men who'd said she'd have been their first choice if she'd had any dowry to speak of, and yet still, Ashwick had not been prepared.

He'd been twenty and still attending Oxford when he'd visited London for the season and what he'd learned very quickly during those first years of sexual satisfaction was that he'd no time for virgins. He'd not been interested in marriage, simply bedding.

But one look at Lorena had changed everything.


The word had echoed in his mind.

Her golden hair had been artfully piled on her head with curls brushing her cheeks and neck, and her eyes... those stunning blue eyes had been intent on him. He'd felt her attraction as though it were a living thing that could wrap around him and drag him to her.

They'd both taken a step.

And then she'd tripped.

And the blood...

It was only Francis' appearance that had stopped Ashwick from carrying Lorena off and away from the party. The urge to attend her himself had risen strong and declared he had to have her. He'd simply have to convince her that she needed him as well. Lorena had caught his eye that first night. Every day he'd seen her since had made him want her more. Sadly, their meetings always ended in disaster.

"Pardon me, my lord."

Ashwick turned around and stared at the man who was leaning on a lantern post in front of the house.

The man had bright blue eyes and dark blond hair. His suit looked cheap and tattered and, as he started to walk toward Ashwick, his gait showed him to be drunk, but not enough to be obvious to anyone who didn't know a drunk when they spotted one.

Regency Romance: Lady Lorena's Spinster's Society ( #1, The Spinster's Society)Where stories live. Discover now