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My heart was racing and my hands were sweaty. I kept fiddling with my fingers and sighing as I waited for news.

Nate had called to tell me what happened. I begged him to bring me to the hospital even when he said it was dangerous.

I didn't quite understand why.

Ares had a private room for some reason, actually the whole floor even. Not sure how.

I saw Nate coming back with two cups of coffee handing me one.

"Calm down hun, Ares wouldn't want you to be so gloomy now would he?"

"Don't talk about him as if he's dead!"

Maybe I was overreacting.

"Woah there, I wasn't trying to. I'm sorry"

"No, I'm sorry I'm just shocked and panicked and scared"  I whispered feeling tears starting to gather in my eyes.

"I would hug you but he would cut off my arms" Nate chuckled.

"If anything happens to him I won't be able to take it Nate, he's family to me"

"Aww okay now I can't hold back" He said and hugged me gently. It wasn't like when Ares hugged me, but it was comforting.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked him when he pulled away.

"Nothing special. A car just suddenly appeared and they crashed" He answered before sighing. "Don't worry Serenity, that's nothing compared to what he's been through" He chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's say he was a pretty naughty kid" He said putting his hand on the back of his neck.

A few minutes later a doctor walked towards us and I immediately became alert.

Please be good news.

"I have good news" He said with a smile and I let out a sigh of relief, "Mr Hale is stable and well. He's woken up"

As soon as he said that I stood up.

"Can we go see him please?" I pleaded. He nodded and I immediately ran to his room.

What I saw almost had me in tears. He looked so tired and wounded. His head was bandaged they had stitched up his arm.

Nate had told me glass had pierced through his arm. I shivered at the thought.

"Hi baby" He whispered with a weak smile. He still managed to smile and look happy for me.

I ran to him and gently touched his face, careful not to hurt him.

"I was so scared, please be extra careful next time" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I never wanted to make you sad or scared" He said and kissed my hand that was touching his face.

"Just please don't let anything happen to you again. I can't lose you too"

The moment I said that he sat up wincing a little.

"W-what are you doing? Ares, you need to rest"

"I don't care" He simply said and patted his lap. "C'mere angel"

"No, don't even think about it" I warned.

"My legs are fine, you won't hurt me I promise" He said holding my hands. "I missed you" He pouted cutely.

I wanted to giggle at the sight. This dark and mysterious version of a prince charming was pouting right in front of me.

"Please, I want to hold you and kiss you" He whispered. His face seemed serious, too serious.

I blushed at his words and looked down thinking.

He let out a groan and tried to picked me up with one arm since the other one was injured.

I squealed and straddled him myself before he could do anything that would hurt him.

"Happy?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Very" He murmured and buried his face in my neck.

I had to be red by now. I didn't know why he liked holding me or kissing me and teasing me so much. He was only my guardian after all.


"I'm sorry I got you worried" He mumbled.

"Just be careful next time okay?" I said and he hummed in reply.


"Wow so is he okay now?" Jane asked.

"Yeah he's just fine"

I had convinced him to stay home and get some rest after many tries. I told him I could just walk home from school. Now we were walking away from school and before we parted we said our goodbyes and hugged each other.

I was waking next to an empty road. It was really quiet and calm here and I hadn't walked this street in a while.

I could feel someone walking behind me though which had me a little scared and paranoid.

I decided to ignore the feeling and kept walking a little faster this time but the person started walking faster as well. I could hear their shoes hitting the pavement and it was making me scared.

I glanced behind me and saw a big man dressed in black. I was in danger. I knew now, so I started running. As expected he started running behind me.

He was much taller than me so he caught up to me pretty quickly and trapped me in his arms. I wiggled around feeling suffocated due to fear.

"Let me go!" I screamed. I lifted my feet and hit him as hard as I could where the sun doesn't shine. He curled up letting out a breathy scream and I took the opportunity and took off running, but another man was there.

Great. Now I'm dead.

He reached out to grab me but never managed to as he fell to the floor shaking a little. Behind him I saw Nate holding a taser in his hands with a smirk.

"Wow so these things come in handy" He commented looking at it. The man on the ground groaned and he used it on him once more, "Oh shut up won't you?"

"T-thank you" I said still shocked and paranoid. I kept glancing around. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"Ares sent me. Let's admit it, he would never let you walk around without some kind of protection and it turns out that he's right"

"Yeah but who are these men?"

"I don't know, I guess some pedos that like kidnapping girls and who knows what else" He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Let's go, my car is right around the corner"

When we arrived home I was immediately engulfed into a bear hug almost squeezing the life out of me.

"Thank God, thank God you're safe" He kept chanting.

"Did you tell him already? I asked Nate.

"Of course he did, he has to report to me every minute when it comes to you" Ares answered.

"I'm sorry Nate"

"It's okay Ares is my bo- I mean best friend after all" He said chuckling.

Ares pulled away and kissed my face.

"Alright time to go" Nate said.

"Thank you and goodbye!" I said waving at him. He smiled at me and waved back before walking out and closing the door behind him.

"You won't ever walk alone again" Ares said with a serious hard expression.


"No buts. Never again"

He looked angry. He was really angry.

Her Guardian ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat