Chapter seven: Come on in

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Chapter seven: Come on in (Faith's POV)

"Thank you so much for driving me home," I leaned on his window. 

"Bye," he kissed my cheek. My eyes widened and he laughed. 

"Bye," I chuckled before walking over to my front door. I rang the bell and while I was waiting, I noticed he was too. "Aren't you gonna leave?" I called out. 

"I have to make sure you get in safe," he replied. 

My mom opened the door, looked at me and let out a sigh of relief. "You owe me an explanation, Faith Hughes. Oh, hi Alex!" my mom waved like a maniac. "Come on in," she ushered him over. 

"Oh, I don't think I should," he smiled softly. 

"Oh hush, come on!" she repeated. He looked at me and I just stared back. 

"You should come," I said honestly. He sighed and unbuckled, hopping out and locking his car, walking over to us and following us into the house. 

"Faith, where were- oh," my dad came strolling over before stopping in his tracks when he saw Alex. "Were you with him?" he asked.

"Yeah, he had practice and I stayed back to watch," I sighed while putting my bag down by the counter and grabbing myself and Alex some water. 

"Why'd you stay back to watch?" my mom asked in confusion. I froze and then luckily Alex answered. 

"She was thinking of how to organize the game this Friday so she stayed back to watch to just see where things could be placed. We were talking about it, actually," he lied smoothly. 

"Oh, what's the new idea?" my dad asked. 

Did he really have to? 

"Um- I was thinking that maybe we could uh- switch the cheerleaders out for a stand." I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. 

"A stand?" my parents asked. 

"I think it's a little annoying for girlfriends and you know close people who cheer to sit in the bleachers with a huge crowd where they can't even go down to say hi to the members without tripping over someone else. Maybe there could be a stand with one person for each player or something?" 

This idea is so stupid. 

"Like personal cheerleaders?" my mom asked. Oh, this is so stupid. 

"Mm-hmm," I nodded while chewing the inside of my cheek. 

"That's actually not a bad idea. But then where would the cheerleaders go?" she asked. 

"Well um- the cheerleaders could do their routine by the benched members and people cheering for specific players could be there in the stand." I shrugged. 

"You want to build this stand by Friday?" my mom asked in confusion. 

"No! Just the first row of the bleachers would work. Just like three-fourths of it is a stand and the rest remains the same." I explained. Okay, that doesn't sound so stupid anymore. 

"I think we should only do it for soccer because that has the most attendees, right?" my mom asked while grabbing her phone. 

"Mm-hmm, right." I nodded in agreement. 

"I'll let the board know," she smiled. "I think it's suitable for girlfriends of the players, what do you think Richard?" My mom smiled at my dad. 

"Who's cheering for you this Friday, Alex?" my dad asked straight up. 

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