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My mother did not miss me. I spent many of my afternoons at the Cullens' house so that I would stay away from becoming intoxicated. Most of my after school activities consisted of playing video games with Emmett, he was the one a gravitated towards the most. The others were really kind to me, but Emmett and I had a familial relationship that sparked the moment he picked me up off of the side of the road. They had also grown used to me being able to see dead people, I had even helped bring closure to a few spirits who then passed on and made the house less crowded. 

This evening I had taken a walk outside in the backyard. There was a river that ran through the property and the trees gave the environment such a calming effect. It wasn't sunny, but it wasn't raining either. The perfect time for a little bit of exploration. I had my music playing through my headphones and I sort of danced as I walked, Brett Eldredge always made me smile when I listened to his songs. My walk didn't feel long, but I had a habit of not being able to keep track of time when I was outside. I walked up the stairs that lead to the house and through the large glass door that led into the living room. 

When I looked up I screamed. Not a particularly horrifying scream, but an "oh shit you scared me" scream. Someone stood before me with blood soaking their white t-shirt. My eyes moved up to their face and I stopped breathing. I trembled in my place which attracted the attention of the people in the living room. 

"Julia?" Emmett carefully questioned. 

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Esme chimed in. 

"Who do you see?" Carlisle was the last person to ask about what was going on. 

Tears involuntarily streamed down my face, they were hot. Emmett was by my side in a moment but was careful to give me my personal space. "Jason," my voice was but a whisper and I sank to the ground, someone had slit his throat. 

The room was silent, Carlisle and Esme were unaware of who Jason was. "Her brother," Emmett answered their unasked question. 

I was a silent crier, there were no loud wails or screams, only tremors and hyperventilation as the reality set in. Of course, I wouldn't find out the normal way. It would only make sense for me to see my loved ones before hearing about them. Did the police even know he was dead? Hands were placed on my shoulders and I placed my own on top. A gasp emitted from someone and I looked up. Jason stood over me, tears in his own eyes, touching me. My brow furrowed and I jumped back. 

"Was that Jason?" Esme asked.

"Did you see him?" I questioned, "Did he touch me?" I turned my attention back to my brother. "Did you touch me?" 

He looked incredibly confused, "You can see me?" 

I nodded, "I can see... dead people..."

Jason looked at his shirt and frowned, more tears cascaded down his cheeks. "Julia, I'm so sorry."

"Jason, why are you apologising?"

"I don't know, I can't believe I've left you alone," he cried. 

Sobs racked my body and my face went to my hands. The door to the garage opened, closed, and in walked another family member. 

"I think Bella's cheating on me," Edward sulked. 

I stood up and looked him in the face, "Nobody cares about your failed love life!" I screamed before storming back outside and sitting on the stairs. 

Jason appeared next to me and placed his arm around me, "Julia, I am so sorry," he apologised again. 

My cries were quieting down and I leant against my brother's chest for comfort. "You don't have to be sorry, J, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Am I the only dead person you've seen?" He asked. 

I shook my head, "I've seen dead people for as long as I can remember."

"So how does this work?" Jason was talking about moving on. "Are you, like, a reaper or something?"

"Not that I know of, but reaper is a much more intriguing title," I laughed lightly.

"Do you help people get to the other side?"

My heart shattered into a million pieces, I didn't want to lose him. "I do, sometimes."

"So like a reaper," he smiled and squeezed my shoulder. 

I shrugged, "I don't collect souls, they come to me."

"I'll always think of you as a reaper. What's on the other side?"

"I don't know, people just usually see a really bright and warm light, and they walk that way."

"How long does it take to see the light?"

"It depends on the person. Some people it takes a few minutes, others it takes months or years. It's when they find closure."

He nodded, "Well, I don't see it yet."

"There's gotta be something bugging you then," I looked at him, the cut on his throat was horrifying. 

"Will you be okay?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I'll survive. It's always going to suck, I thought I'd be an aunt soon, not standing by your casket." It was a wonder what made my tears so warm as they continued to flow down my cheeks and on to my arms or jeans. 

"When dad died I was worried for you. You were such a mess, he was your everything."

"No, you were my everything."

He sucked in a deep breath, I wondered how that was possible with his trachea open to the world and blood backed up in his lungs. "Who are you going to be able to turn to? It sure as shit won't be Mom."

I smiled lightly, a tear touched my lips and I could taste the salt. "These people seem pretty nice, Emmett's been kind of like a brother while you've been at school."

"Keep him close, don't let yourself fall into a dark hole," his eyes seemed to light up, I could tell he was ready. We sat there in silence for a moment, soaking in each other's company one last time. "It's sort of beautiful."

"Tell me about it," so many people had told me about the light they had seen, I wanted more time with him if I could get it. I started crying harder even after I thought my water supply had dried up. 

"It's warm, you were right about that. Kind of golden, it looks like a nap on the beach in July. It's so alluring."

The only thing that changed was the comparison, everyone equated the comfort to something different. "Go towards it, Jason."

"Are you sure?" He questioned one last time.

I nodded, "Go ahead."

My brother stood up, kissed my forehead once more, and disappeared through the trees.

Voices |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now