Chapter 12

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It was Tuesday, and it was Lisa's birthday.

She didn't know Jennie knew, and it was understandable why she didn't mention it to Jennie. Lisa never celebrated her birthday with her family, her mom didn't care, and she'd lost all of her friends.

It had taken some digging, but Jennie had finally gotten it out of Lisa's assistant Jess. She didn't plan something big, she knew Lisa wouldn't like it if Jennie made a big fuss about her birthday. Instead, after finishing work, Jennie stopped by Lisa's favourite sushi restaurant, picking up some for Lisa to go with the little birthday cake she'd bought that morning. She made her way over to L-Corp after that, intent on dragging Lisa away from her work, no matter how hard she argued.

Once making it up to the top floor, she passed by Jess, who raised her eyebrows knowingly, and walked into Lisa's office. Lisa looked up from her computer as Jennie strode in, walking over to Lisa to give her a kiss.

"I wasn't expecting you darling, I thought I was coming to yours tonight," Lisa said, equal parts happy and confused by Jennie's surprise visit.

'I thought I'd surprise you, we can go back to yours instead.'

Frowning slightly, Lisa glanced at her laptop. She still had a lot of work to get through before leaving.

"I might be a while," she started, before Jennie walked around the desk, closing the laptop as she sat herself down on Lisa's lap. Lisa smiled as Jennie placed another kiss on her lips.

'Or you could leave early tonight' Jennie signed, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Lisa looked at her closed laptop and the stack of papers, a look of uncertainty crossing her face. Jennie took this opportunity to place gentle kisses down Lisa's exposed throat, continuing further down as Lisa rolled her head to one side, giving Jennie more access.

Lisa groaned in frustration, "you're making it very hard to say no." Her eyes were closed as she savoured the sensation of Jennie's lips trailing down her neck and her hand running up one of her thighs. Jennie sat up straight and Lisa opened her eyes to see what Jennie was about to sign.

'I also bought sushi just in case you needed some extra convincing'

Lisa cracked a smile at Jennie, leaning up to kiss her. "You already had me convinced, but now I'm really motivated to get out of here. Just give me a minute to pack up."

Jennie nodded, jumping up off Lisa's lap, waiting as she stuffed a stack of files and her laptop into her satchel. She picked up Lisa's coat and helped her into it, taking her hand when Lisa was ready to go.


They walked back to Lisa's apartment. Normally they wouldn't go to Lisa's place in the night, because Lisa didn't like Jennie walking home alone in the dark, but Jennie would let her worry about it later.

Once inside, Lisa slipped her heels off and shrugged out of her coat before throwing herself down on the sofa. She let out a frustrated groan into the pillows as Jennie came and sat down next to her. She tapped Lisa on the arm, waiting for her to sit up.

'How was work?'

Lisa rolled her eyes, her shoulders tensing as she started to rant. "I had a meeting today with the board of directors and it was awful."

Jennie patted the space between her legs, waiting for Lisa to come closer, before she starting massaging her shoulders. Jennie hated seeing Lisa stressed, and no matter what she said, Lisa wouldn't cut back on her work. She was determined to prove that she was capable of running the company.

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