07 | In Which She Agrees Adulting is Hard

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One pan of delicious but anxiety-inducing cheese and barbecue pizza later, Matty and I were laughing and reminiscing.

Outside, the rain was receding to a light shower but neither of us noticed because we were engaged in conversation.

“Do you remember that Halloween when you decided you wanted to go as Cruella?” Matty asked, nostalgia in his eyes.

I laughed at the memory. “Of course. I wanted you to dress up as a Dalmatian and I went crazy trying to find a wig that resembled Cruella’s hair.”

“Of course when that didn’t happen you went ahead to dye half of your hair white.”

“With whitewash,” we said simultaneously and burst out laughing.

“Took forever to get that damn paint out,” I shook my head at what I did when I was younger.

“I’m glad you’re back but you haven’t told me why yet,” Matty said when the laughing died down. He folded his hands on the table and eyed the half-eaten pizza on my plate with thinly veiled disgust.

“I’d rather not talk about it if you don’t mind,” I shifted around on my wooden seat suddenly uncomfortable.

There was no way I was giving my story this early.

“It’s fine, oh and before I forget, what are you doing tonight?”

A slight ruffle caught my attention and I turned to find Pete thumbing through a newspaper.

“Why are you asking?” I raised an eyebrow.

“A bunch of us are going down to the bowling alley tonight, if you’re free you’re welcome to join us.”

“A bunch of us?”

“Alright, it’s mostly me, Raj and Emily.”

“Raj and Emily are in town?” I brightened at the thought of seeing my high school best friends again.

“Yep. We were originally gonna hang out tonight but now you’re here we can get the band back together.”

“Count me in. Just as long as it’s only the four of us. I’m sorta avoiding people.”

“In a town where everyone knows you? I’m not so sure about the ingenuity of that plan.”

“Well, I can try. Elain Walters has already seen me so smart plan or not, I’m sticking to it.”

“Did she invite you to Stacey’s wedding?” Matty asked but his face showed he already knew what my answer was going to be.

“You know she did. Said something about Entertainment Weekly covering it. Like that would impress me,” I scoffed.

Matty groaned and shook his head. “Typical Elain. You know she came by the house with a bunch of supposedly expensive chocolates to thank us for fixing up her busted TV.”

“And what did she really want?”

“To ‘politely’ ask if I wouldn’t mind helping to set up for the engagement party tomorrow night.”

“And let me guess, you said yes.” It was a statement not a question because I knew Matty. He was a big old softie.

“It’s my weakness. You know I can’t resist a good pleading.”

“God Matty, how are you still so gullible after that time Raj convinced you there were no peanuts in his PB and J sandwich and you ate it and blew up like a threatened blowfish?”

“That was one time, and we agreed we wouldn’t talk about it ever again!” I could see Matty’s face had acquired a slight reddish tinge.

“Can you believe Stacey Walters is getting married?” I shook my head.

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