A Name - Sample

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The plate in front of me containing a ham and cheese sandwich did nothing to entice me. How can you eat when your stomach is in an uproar, when your hands are shaking, when you are dreading what's to come?

"Eat" The tone of his voice made sure I didn't mistake the single word spoken as a simple request, no it was nothing less than a command. 

I did not look up at him, but continued eyeing the sandwich instead. I was quite sure that all of it would come up again if I somehow managed to force it down. I didn't move an inch, blatantly disregarding the hidden threat in the tone of his voice. 

"I will not have you trying to starve yourself to death." He said, his voice going dangerously low.   "If you don't eat, I will force it down your throat, and it will not be pleasant." He threatened.  I looked up at him, and flinched. He looked so damn terrifying. I had complained about him showing few to none emotions before, but this expression scared the living hell out of me. Tears filled my eyes yet again, a big lump formed in my throat, making the mere thought of eating seem even more unpleasant.

I reached for the sandwich with shaking hands and took a small bite. My mouth felt dry, making the chewing and swallowing process a lot harder than it needed to be. But I continued, bite after bite, until the whole thing was gone, not daring to glance up at him again while I ate.  He removed the empty plate from in front of me once I finished eating. I heard him fill the sink with water, wash the dishes, and then empty the sink of water again. 

"Come" The one word cut through my thoughts, he still sounded pissed. I couldn't help but tense before I took a shallow breath, got up, and followed him into the bedroom. He didn't lead me by the hand this time, just expected me to follow him obediently, and I did.  I stopped right inside the bedroom door, unsure of what to do next.

"I put a toothbrush in the bathroom for you. Its the pink one." He said, pointing towards the bathroom. 

I walked into the bathroom closing the door silently behind me. I found my toothbrush next to his dark green one. I picked it up and applied the toothpaste. I then started brushing my teeth at a grindingly slow pace, trying to delay the inevitable, but it could only last so long.   I looked at myself in the mirror, not really recognizing the scared girl looking back at me. I bit my lip, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall once again. I opened the faucet once the tears were under control, and splashed some cold water in my face. It cooled me down a bit but did nothing to ease my frazzled nerves. 

I opened the door and went back into the bedroom. I looked up and found him standing there in front of the bed, shirtless. My eyes ran over his perfectly toned frame, the muscles in his arms slightly constricting as he held out a t-shirt in my direction.

"Here, you can sleep in this," He said coming towards me as I made no move to take it from him.  He put the fabric in my hands, and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I let out the breath I had been holding onto for dear life. I used this opportunity to change into the borrowed shirt as quickly as humanly possible, afraid he would come back before I finished changing. 

The shirt stopped right above my knees, covering up the loose boxers which he had lent me earlier. I hurried over to the bed, lifted the covers, and got in on the side that was the furthest away from the bathroom. The furthest away from him. I lay there right up against the edge of the bed, almost falling out, pulling the covers all the way up to my chin. My heart was beating fast, my eyes burning a hole in the ceiling above, as I tried to even out my breathing. 

Breathe in...

  breathe out... 

breathe in... 

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