Chapter 17

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I smile so bright that I was amazed that I had it in me. I didn't even know that I had a smile. My thought was that I will always either be frowning or wincing in horrible pain. She leaned over and we hugged. I couldn't believe it. I finally have a friend. I know it might take a while to get used to someone I care about and for her to care for me too. The way she came to apologize for what she has done and explained why to meant, at least to me, that she trusts me. I trust her, trust me I know that, but it will take me some time to open up to her. Wait a minute, I already gave her an overlook on my life from our first encounter. I will most likely explain the rest later on. I just feel better knowing we will have each other's backs. Secretly, I hope that if it isn't too much that she will help me when the bullies come to attack me. I'm just lucky to know that I finally have a friend for once in my life. We started to rock back and forth and giggled softly. I didn't even noticed when the door slammed open and someone raced in. Suddenly, someone ripped me away from her. I was tossed onto a couch that was placed in front of the tv. As I was about to get up a guy was in front of me blocking me off from Nicole. I stayed stunned for a few minutes amazed by what happened.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I got up and tackled the stranger to the floor. We landed with an "Umph" as he took most of the fall. Opps, I didn't want to hurt him, but I am in a state of adrenaline that I can't get out of until I know my friend is perfectly all right. I quickly got up and ran to Nicole. I saw that she lied on the floor with her hand on her cheek. 

I fall into my knees and took her hand away from her face. I asked "Are you okay? Do you want any ice?" I see the faintness of a bruise form. Anger shakes through me as I start to realize the guy who threw me away from her was the one who gave her that bruise. Finally, after I finally get a friend, something has to happen to her. My shaking takes a violent turn as my anger continued to rise until I could imagine smoke steaming out of my ears like in those cartoons.

I feel hands starting to take me away from her, but I was fast in my reaction time to him. I got up and punched the bastard across his face. I didn't realize who it is because he turned his face away from me, but that didn't keep me from exploding my rage onto him. "Who do you think you are to punch a girl!? You are an idiotic bastard for trying to hurt my friend like that! Why don't you go back to hell with your cruel ways!?" I know I sounded harsh, but I know that no man is ever supposed to harm a girl. That is just abusing your strength in a cruel manner. I might sound like my bullies, but the huge difference is that I have no strength to defend myself. If the stranger is to harm someone I get to rage and show them the errors of their ways. If I was the one to bully they would beat me to a pulp by the lack of my of strength.

Finally, my rage ended and I was able to see who I hit. When I realized who I punched I bolted for the bathroom and locked the door. I honestly could not believe I hit the person who I was suppose to be with. Even if I don't fully believe in true love at first sight I know that there was no way for me to escape a guy like Ryder. I'm sure he would keep me in a cage to know that I was safe and sound to never leave in all my life. 

I leaned against the door to hear him seconds later to feel him pounding on the door and to hear him begging to let hime in. Yeah right, there is no way I will take the chance for me to get punished. He would crush me like a bug in seconds. My voice died in my throat and I felt myself start to hyperventilate as my breathing becomes shorter and harsher. My eyelids start to shut as I feel myself go into a state of peace. The last thing I hear is Ryder begging me to let him. Good luck with me being passed out.

~Ryder's POV~

I keep banging on the door even though I know it is useless to try and get into the bathroom. My senses on her were high. I felt her breathing harsher which made me bang harder and beg more for her to let me in. Finally, she passed out and was back into a state of peace. I kick the door in anger on how I will have to find the key to the bathroom for me to get in their. 

I turn around and see Nicole sitting on the bed and using her phone to look at the number I put on her face. Guilt washes over me as she turns to glare at me. I slowly go and sit ext to her after going to my mini fridge and grab an ice pack. I gently give it to her only for her to whack me across the face with it. 

"Okay I deserved that."

"You deserve a lot more for this," she points to her bruise while her anger blows up even more," and for making Rosa angry then scared for her life. What the hell where you thinking!?" I don't do a thing, but cringe away from the truth of her words. Hey, I'm half wolf, I got to follow my instincts sometimes. I sigh as I knew I was in deep shit and it would take a while for me to get out of it, at least with Nicole. Nicole was one hard shell that was difficult to get out of with. I gotta find out why she cares so much for Rosa all of a sudden. With Rosa I will have to make sure that she knows that I wouldn't hurt her for her reaction towards me. She has to know that I wouldn't harm her intentionally. First, I got to get her out of the closet and then explain some stuff to her. I just hope I can get her to relax enough around me so that it would be easier for me to help her realize that we love each other.

"I just thought that you were choking her and your smile was that you would get a lot of anger out on her. Was that so wrong to think?" My answer was being whacked with a pillow along with a scowl. She continues to whack me until I yell "I'm sorry, okay!? I didn't know that you cared for her. Why do you care for her all of a sudden?" She growls and her eyes flash as her wolf starts to take over a little control. She closes her eyes and takes a few breathes as she calms down. When she reopened her eyes I saw that she was back in full control of herself.

"We agreed to become friends. I'm guessing that I am her only friend and I actually care about her. I know a little about her life and she knows a lot of mine. When we talk I feel better and know I will become a better person. Although you had to ruin it by ripping her away from me, "whack,"punching me in the face," double whack," and then scaring her away," This got me a few more whacks until I through the pillow across the room. I look her in the eyes and she knows that she is taking this a little far. She huffs and stays down. I smile and got to the business at hand.

"So, I found someone who wouldn't mind coming along with you to go find your mate. I will give you a 2 week period for you to go search for your mate. If you can't find him by that period you will have to wait a while until we will be able to get you someone to search with you again."

"Why the short period?"

"Because you get to travel with my beta, Dalton."


Uh oh.

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