Chapter 7

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"Whatever happens in this car, stays in this car. That goes for what I'm about to say and what you'll say. Agreed?"

I nod.

Shane's quiet for a long time. I know he's deciding if he should tell me. Honestly I won't be offended if he doesn't.

It seems like I've stared at the sky for hours before he speaks.

"You're a virgin right?"

I clench my jaw. Way to start a conversation Shane. "That is none of your business." "I really don't care."

Hasn't this guy ever heard of boundaries?

"Yes." I mumble.

"There's nothing wrong with being a virgin Bridgit." He propped his arm on his bent up leg, examining me.

"Hell I still wish I was one."

This caught my attention. "Why?" "I was…" he hesitated, almost fighting the words about to come out.

"I had been drinking and my mom's friend had been watching us. It was really late and I guess she helped me upstairs or something." He shook his head, clearly annoyed by the fact that he couldn't remember.

"I remember, almost allowing it to happen but I was too drunk to get in my right mind. I was fifteen."

My stomach clenched. I wanted to reach out and comfort him but, it didn't know if he wanted that.

"I never really told anybody. I kinda just thought it was just sex because I didn't exactly try to stop her." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"I eventually told my uncle. I trusted him. He was a cop too. Once I told him, he explained that it was illegal, obviously. She's serving time in the county jail now."

His fist was clenched next to me and I couldn't help but to place my hand over his; his fist slowly spreading out and holding my hand. His fingers fit, surprisingly perfectly, into mine. The feeling made me breathless.

"I didn't realize that what she did was wrong exactly. I mean it wasn't like it was against my will but- you get it. I just- I took it hard after my uncle explained it. I slept around for a while… tried to forget about it but, nightmares are inevitable."

My heart ached for Shane. This guy was forced to grow up so quickly. He didn't realize...

"I've never really told a girl that before. Besides my mom." He admitted, rubbing his thumb across the top of my hand.

"Why'd you tell me then?" I whispered.

"Because I want you to trust me." His smile could take away any sorrow I was feeling and replace it with butterflies. And just when I thought that feeling wasn't possible again.

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