A Dip in a Puddle

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It was a cold, dark morning. Chase had decided to take a walk in hopes of clearing his mind. He was so close to discovering where this supposed V.I.L.E. headquarters was located, and once he discovered where they were, Carmen Sandiego wouldn't be far behind.

He took a seat on a nearby bench, leaning back and staring up into the star dotted sky. The thoughts of V.I.L.E. and Carmen dissipating from his mind, being replaced with other memories he tried not to think about too often.

One such memory was of his mother. She had taken him outside to cool down after a heated argument with his dad. She had laid out a blanket and sat down, patting the open space beside her, smiling softly at him. Chase had wanted to refuse, but some part of him told him to be with his mom, at least for a little while. So, he sat down beside her, and the two silently observed all the different stars in the sky, listening to the sounds of bugs buzzing and chirping.

It had been so peaceful.

He hadn't realized it, but at some point, while remembering, he closed his eyes, as if that would give him a better picture of what she used to look like.

A pit formed in his stomach. He quickly opened his eyes, digging into his coat pockets for his mints, hoping the flavor would distract him from the painful memory.

After several seconds of checking each pocket he had, he came to the horrible discovery that they were nowhere to be found. He groaned in frustration, holding his head in his hands. He must have left them at his apartment, like the absolute buffoon he was.

"Is this all you ever eat?"

That voice... he knew that voice...

Chase snapped his head up, finding his mints were being held out to him by someone he never expected to meet out in the cold streets of France.

Her usual long coat and hat were replaced by a more casual outfit. Still her trademark red, save for the jeans she was wearing.

He quickly stood up, snatching the mints from her hand, "What is a thief like you doing our here?" he asked quickly, "There's not anything valuable in this neighborhood."

Carmen shrugged, "Can't a thief just go on a walk every now and then?" she replied, a sly smirk on her face.

Chase glared down at her, "Not if that thief kidnapped me and cost me my job," his voice held such a destain to it that Carmen wasn't used to hearing from him.

Her smirk fell, "I..." she hesitated, clearing her throat and shifting her gaze, "That explains why I haven't seen you around, lately..." she muttered to herself.

The inspector would have arrested her, if he had the authority. Though, a part of him also wouldn't have. The look on her face was so vulnerable, he was honestly slightly worried about her. Only slightly, of course.

He sighed, turning and gesturing to the bench behind him. He didn't say anything, sitting down as he did earlier. Carmen stared at him, hands tucked in her jacket pocket, eyebrow raised. Chase simply patted the empty space beside him, inviting her to take a seat. She smiled faintly, taking up the offer and sitting beside him, a calm silence settling between them. Crickets chirped in the grass.

"Why are you out here?" Chase asked quietly, "Really?"

There was a pause before she replied, "Truthfully, I wanted to see how you were doing," she admitted, guilt weighing down on her shoulders, "I... felt horrible for what happened to you, and..." she trailed off, keeping her gaze on the ground. She couldn't look at him.

Chase wasn't sure how to respond. He hadn't expected her to be worried about him. Not after their last encounter. He turned his gaze back to the stars, swallowing thickly, "I forgive you..."

And suddenly, that pit that had been swallowing Chase's stomach was gone.

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