Chapter 19

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For three days, they remained ensconced in their quarters, sating their desires, imprinting their scents and marking each other repeatedly. Resting and eating in between their bouts of sex driven madness.

Eli would never tire of having his mate to himself for eternity, keeping her safe by his side and especially now that her scent had changed slightly, placing a hand on her stomach, he smiled.

Keira was pregnant.

With werewolves, it is a guarantee, that the female will fall pregnant, once fully mated.

The only way they do not become pregnant, is if they do not fully complete the mating process or if the person is not her or his soul mate or chosen mate.

It is a known fact, that if a werewolf loses his or her mate, for any reason, they can choose another, as long as it is consensual on both parts.

Moreover, as in every society, there is always going to be the players, those who do not want to be shackled down yet with one mate, but would rather play the field, thus not completing or marking another. Keeping their options open, unfortunately hurting their soul mate's in the process.

Those type of werewolves, have disrespected the gift the Moon Goddess has bestow upon them, being selfish and corrupt, usually only wanting power.

Eli had kept himself pure for his mate, as his parents had taught him, telling him that the bonding of soul mates was the most precious gift given and he should respect that.

Countless women had thrown themselves at him, since he became Alpha at eighteen, but he was never tempted, choosing to wait.

And at the age of twenty-six, he has finally found her and he was happy that he waited.

As Keira lay next to him, her head on his chest, her arm slung across his torso and her leg flung across his, he could only marvel at the beauty that lay next to him, he wondered if their pup would look like her or him or a combination of both. He hoped to have a mini version of his mate, a little angel, he could just imagine it, grinning at the thought.

Keira lay snuggled up to Eli, content to just lie there, hearing the steady heartbeat of his heart, feeling his contentment, "What are you thinking about?" She asked huskily, tracing circles on his chest.

Taking her hand, he placed kisses on her fingers, "How much I Love you..." He stated.

"I Love you too...but there is more?" She queried, knowing instinctually that he was hiding something.

In just a few days , she had him wrapped around her finger, huffing slightly, "You are pregnant..." He blurted out, worried at her reaction, stressing even.

It was something they had not discussed...

She outright laughed at his worried state, frowning he looked down at her, not expecting for her too laugh, "What is so funny..." He asked, not liking being the butt of the joke.

"I'm sorry..." She gulped out between snickers, "Did you forget that I'm a werewolf too and therefore was taught about the mating process...since I was old enough to know, my father informed me, albeit grudgingly." She laughed, remembering her father's embarrassing attempt.

"Well...not everyone is open minded about it!" He huffed out.

"Then you better get used to it," She teased, placing a kiss on his chest.

"Why...?" He asked confused.

"Because...if we have a daughter, then you are going to have to talk to her about it." Again teasing him, smirking at the thought.

"It won't happen until she is thirty or forty..." He growled out, "Perhaps...never!"

Sitting up, she straddled him, "Oh...My gosh! If it wasn't for my family's open mindedness, I wouldn't be here...think about that...buster!" Poking him in the chest with each word. Glaring down at him amusingly, at the pout and frown he was making.

Frowning at the thought that crossed his mind, "I still don't like it!" He mumbled out. His dream of having a little girl blown away. Giving him heartburn at the idea, of a male deflowering his precious angel.

"Oh...get over it and remind me how good you are." She teased, giggling when he growled out in irritation, flipping her onto her back and proceeding to shower her with love and unending passion.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now