Chapter Four - The Mutual Understanding

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"I can't believe this! You weren't going to help her?" The woman yelled at Lorenzo, who had an embarrassed look. I never thought that Lorenzo Gonzalez could be embarrassed. She must be his wife because he wouldn't let anyone talk to him like I assumed, or maybe she's his sister.

"It's my decision to make, Valeria. She's my enemy's wife and I would never help her," Lorenzo finalised.

"Ex-Wife!" The woman and I speak at the same time.

"If you help me, I will help you take him down. I know how Giovanni thinks and I could help you," I tried to convince him, which kind of worked because he started to think deeply.

Before he could say anything, the woman cut him off and said, "You can stay in this room for the time being. I will make sure to tell Matilda to get you food up here, okay?"

She was so stubborn and I loved her for that. "Thank you," I replied, looking hesitantly at Lorenzo, who was throwing daggers at me.

The woman grabbed Lorenzo's arm and ushered him outside, leaving Demetrio and I alone in the room. I felt as though I would faint because of his continuous glares that pierced through my eyes.

Without saying anything, he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

I was certain that he didn't want me here, hell who would want me here after knowing my relationship with Giovanni, other than that woman?

But I was glad that she was kind enough to let me stay.

The next morning, I was called to Lorenzo's office. Valeria, who turned out to be Lorenzo's wife and Demetrio's mom, took me to his office. Demetrio was already seated there with his usual frown that never left his face.

"You wanted to see me?" I started.

"Sit," Lorenzo said, pointing at the chair across from Demetrio.

I walked a few steps forward until I reached the chair and sat down. I looked between the two and suddenly felt scared.

What if they turn out like Giovanni?

The question kept rotating in my head.

"In order for us to have mutual understanding and trust of some sorts, I want you to tell me why you escaped from Giovanni because I heard that he treated you like a princess," Lorenzo started.

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, trying to even my breathing. That was a very sensitive topic to me and I never ever wanted to talk about it. All my life I had been wronged and treated badly. First from my family, and then from my husband, who I thought would treat me like a princess like Lorenzo said. I never thought that life hated me so much to the point that I had to escape to live.

"He wasn't a good man. The image you hear about is not the same image he shows me in our house," I said, briefly.

"Elaborate," Demetrio spoke up.

"He didn't treat women like they were supposed to be treated. He didn't treat me well," I said, trying so hard not to go into the details that haunt me in my nightmares. But the look on Lorenzo and Demetrio told me that they wouldn't let this matter go until they knew.

"Stop speaking riddles," Lorenzo firmly said.

"He beat me up, is that what you wanted to hear?" I bluntly said. They looked like they weren't expecting me to say that, as if the meaning behind not treating women well was something different-something not so bad.

I wanted to unleash my inner feminist, but I remained silent because my life depended on them.

"There was a reason I hated that man after only hearing his name," Demetrio growled, slamming the table with the palm of his hand, making me flinch for the third time. The only difference was that this time, he apologised.

"I am sorry for scaring you," Demetrio cleared his voice, as he adjusted his tie.

He looked extremely hot by the way, with his tousled hair, sharp jawline, and the unbuttoned white shirt that showcased the upper half of his chest, but wasn't too low.

"It's okay..." I awkwardly replied.

"Anyways, let's get to business," Lorenzo started, changing the subject, which I was thankful for.

"What do you know about his drug shipments?" Lorenzo asked, taking me off-guard. I thought the Gonzalez's didn't sell or buy drugs.

Before I could even ask, Demetrio said, "We don't do drugs. We just want to know so that we sabotage the shipments."

"Oh...well, the only thing that I know is that Giovanni works with a man called Carter. I don't know his last name, but before I escaped, I heard that Giovanni and Carter were going to do business very soon. Giovanni usually carries out his shipments in the port beside our-his house. He has his own port so the police wouldn't know about anything-not that they'd do anything if they knew," I explained and told them everything I knew.

"That's good for now," Lorenzo said, as he stood up. "We will have to train you soon because I don't think Giovanni is stupid enough to let you go and not find you very soon."

My heart accelerated at the mention of Giovanni finding me. I would fucking do anything to not let that happen, especially that now I am pregnant and I don't think I could abort it. I just can't. I have waited for a child all my life and with all the miscarriages (which shouldn't be called that because I took care of them), I couldn't lose another baby this time, willingly.

"Fine," I said, standing up. "Is that all?" I asked.

"No. You can leave."

I walked out of the room and on my way to my room, I spotted Valeria sitting in the living room and reading a book. For some reason, her kind face reminded me of the mother that I always wanted to have. My own mother didn't even want me and she treated me like trash. The fact that Valeria treated me much better even though she didn't know me, made my heart warm.

I walked into my room and I decided to take a shower because I stink. I stripped down from my clothes that I had been wearing for two days now and entered the bathroom. I found a cabinet with towels inside. I grabbed one and placed it on the sink table. I then stepped into the shower and turned the water on.

I liked my water to be not so hot, but not so cold. When Giovanni used to hit me, I sometimes had to take a shower because it made me feel better, so I couldn't shower with hot water because it made the pain much worse.

I found a small bottle of shampoo and a bottle of shower-gel. I washed my hair and then my body. When I finished, I turned the water off and I wrapped a towel around my body, and left the bathroom. I walked back into the bedroom only to find Demetrio holding a cat and looking at me with wide eyes.

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