Ending: Part 1

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Chassie George

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Chassie George

"Chassie, I'm officially moved in. Thanks to you and your dearest Nathan." Julie squeals on the other line. "I'm gonna have to look for a Nathan of my own."

I parked my car into the driveway, grinning at Nathan's house that has become my home for about a month now. I stepped out of the car and happily sauntered toward the front door. "You know, Nathan has cousins. Have I told you about them?"

"I heard about them. To be honest, I've been hearing a lot of the Parkinsons and Foresters at work. And I do read magazines. They're at every page. Whoever these men end up with, must've done something to please the heavens."

I chuckled. "Or you just need the right bridge. If that's still vague, I meant I happen to know these men."

"Tempting but I'm having the time of my life right now," she says.

"Loving the job?" I opened the door, walking quietly to the living room. Sassy, the city's reigning women's magazine happened to open up a slot that a lot of women were lining up for. Audrey Danler, the editor in chief who's coincidentally best friends with Kathie, had liked Julie's portfolio and gave her the job.

"Understatement. Sassy is the best thing that's ever happened to me. You remember Howard constantly giving me hell because my writing is too "woman"?

My nose crinkled. "Yes. I remember like it was yesterday."

"My boss kind of likes it, I guess. Well, she doesn't say it to my face. The woman is unreadable but, if the faintest curve of her mouth whenever I'm handing over my article tells anything, it wouldn't be disapproval."

"Audrey likes you. There's no doubt about that." I entered the house, welcomed by familiar silence. I strolled to the living room and chuck my bag to the couch.

"You seem to know her," she mused.

"You could say that. She's one of my sister's BFFs."

"Your sister knows everybody. How does she remember all those names?"

I laugh quietly. "She has a pretty great memory."

"I'll see you tomorrow at lunch?"

"Yeah, I'll be there. I got to go." I smiled, the divine smelling kitchen luring me out of the living room.

"Okay," Julie chirps. "Tell your men I said hi."

"Will do, Jules." I hung up, heading as quietly as I could to the kitchen where said men have mixing bowls and rolling pin in hands. If the flour on their matching aprons weren't enough indication that they had a little fun, the thick patches of flour on the counter and kitchen floor might.

I leaned against the doorframe and watched them, not wanting to interrupt the cozy scene.

"Daddy, can we bake with mommy tomorrow?" He asks, engrossed with the batter he was stirring on the mixing bowl.

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