one | Alone

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Time. The concept of time has been disputed for years and years by mortal entities. With little understanding of the true significance it holds among their lives, one would think that it's been taken advantage of. Each second, each pace; both are rather different depending on who time entails on.

Time is self-evident. Time is everlasting.

Time is eternal.

Periodically, it exemplifies eternal bliss or even eternal hell. The process of time would go on and on contrarily on each individual being. The process of time runs relying on the situation at hand.

In her case, she often wonders when it will be on her side for once, without her undying essence tarnishing her opportunity of grasping onto the peace she desperately longs for.

The sour mood she possesses hadn't affected the current weather of her humble abode. Pertaining to the vast and heavenly place as her home seems plausible in her case as the divine ruler of this esoteric and mythological realm, unbeknownst to the modern-day humans occupying the lands of her grandmother Gaea.

The golden curtains glimmered as soon as her stepson's chariot took over his twin's duty carefully, without entirely alerting any of the deities aside from her eye's and body's sensitivity to the light that seeped through the lustrous fleece. The light immediately met her warm hazel eyes as soon as she fluttered them open.

Her fluid movements hadn't refrained her from unconsciously shifting her arm to the spacious side of the bed, holding no weight of a body to fill it with warmth. Her chest tightened at the thought of what she had foreseen from the very beginning. Her familiarity with the feeling no longer affected her.

With her back against the headboard, her eyes memorized the corners of their private chambers. Once seen as a location for bliss, now seen as the cage of her eternal hell. These walls were once meaningful in her eyes as it entailed wonderful memories of her marital life. Years had passed and it had become a reminder of her husband's infidelity and betrayal. The lonely walls represented his cheating ways and the vindictive personality of hers, an image that the people saw her as. The chambers represented her loneliness, pain, and emptiness throughout history. The wall that she had grown to assemble for each hurt she withstood. After all, she was the cold-hearted queen who wasn't merciful to her husband's lovers. No amount of emotion severed the walls, transforming them into negativity. Rage, turmoil, and later on, remorse. Self-remorse.

Everyone was unaware of her inner battles, after all, she has to put up a façade as the Queen of the Heavens. Faltering would portray her as weak in the eyes of all the deities. It wouldn't suit her title. Besides that, her marriage with her husband was seen as a mockery over the few millennia.

Goddess of Marriage, a laughing stock. She thought bitterly.

There was a knock on her door. Having a sense of the deity's presence, her cold and powerful voice echoed across the room, "Come in, Iris."

Her personal handmaiden entered the room with her usual daily dose of tea on the golden tray. The rainbow goddess served it to her mistress by her bedside, her fingers gracefully lifting the object to her divine lips. Brewed Mountain tea with one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of nectar.

Her Majesty's eyes closed and her lips slightly pursed, a sign of contentment. Rarely does the Queen voice out her gratitude and Iris learned these signs, with her lifetime of servitude to her advantage. The amount of respect and loyalty she possesses for the Queen can never be questioned. After all, she has given her everything she needs in this immortal life of hers.

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