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Today was finally Saturday it has been just over a week since I found out that Aiden deals drugs. I went out with him again and helped him with a couple of deliveries. It was actually a lot of fun, I loved the feeling it gave me. I loved the adrenaline.

"Olivia, can we bake a cake??" Abby asked me. We were sitting in the kitchen both bored out of our minds so I agreed.

I grabbed all the ingredients out and we got to work. Baking with a five-year-old gets messy. Especially because she tried to eat everything.

"What are you guys doing?" Jacob asked walking into the kitchen. Abby ran up and jumped into his arms.

"Making a cake," Abby told him. She was absolutely covered in flour and now so was Jacob's black T-shirt.

"Wanna help?" I asked Jacob.

"Umm sure" he hesitantly nodded. Jacob walked towards me with Abby resting on his hip. I'm honestly surprised he agreed to that, old Jacob would have never baked a cake with his little sisters.

Abby wanted to do everything when we were baking the cake, she even wanted to put the cake in the oven but I managed to talk her out of that one.

Right now we were trying to decide which movie to watch but we couldn't agree on anything. Jacob shot down all of my fantastic ideas.

"What about It 2?" I suggested.

"Olivia she's five she can't watch a horror movie," Jacob said gesturing to the little girl watching the cake cook. Abby was just sitting in front of the oven just watching the cake cook,  I'm not sure how a five-year-old had a longer attention span than me.

"She can totally watch a horror movie, her life is basically a horror movie" I laughed out. Jacob glared at me.

"Whore movie?" Abby asked turning her attention towards us. I started laughing at this.

"No honey horror" Jacob corrected her.  Abby just looked confused.

"That's what I said," she told him. Oblivious child.

"Anyway back on the topic what if we watch Annabelle, or the-" I was interrupted by Jacob once again.

"No scary movies" Jacob yelled dramatically.

"Fine" I huffed.


Right now we're watching frozen. Jacob was totally against all of my amazing movie ideas. Abby has definitely seen worse shit then what's in those movies but he wants to keep her innocence as long as possible.

"Silly Olaf" Abby giggled at the tv. For the past half, an hour she's hasn't stopped talking.

"Abby shut up," I told her, I couldn't handle her constant talking anymore. "You can't just talk during the entire movie".

"Your mean. My teacher would say you're bullying me" she says crossing her tiny arms.

"I'm not bullying you" I rolled my eyes. She tried to roll her eyes back at me but it just looked like she was having a seizure.

BROKEN (book #1) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя