part 83 the audition

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Family love

Part 83

Finally by lunch time the first day classes complete with two batches ......

Manan gets back to home to have lunch .....

They have lunch together and rest for that afternoon.......

Evening they continue with classes cabir joins them after work ....he enjoys playing with all the kids in the class .....

Like this early a month passed .....
Manan are very happy with daily classes .....manik is more happy bcoz when nandu needs him he is all the time with her ....taking care of her ....

This is the day nandu  needs to go for her monthly  check up bcoz she completed her second month and third month started ......

On the dinning table in Murthy house .....

Nandu : manik I'm full .....

Manik : no you need to eat bcoz we may get late from hospital .....

Nandu : manik plzz I had three parathas .....

Manik : oh really it's not thirty just three ....complete this than I won't force you.....

Nandu with a grumpy face started eating the fourth paratha made by her monster husband .....

Arya is just having his breakfast silently ......smiling looking at the daily scenario in their home .....

Manik : aru Kya hua ......

Arya just looks at manik without saying anything ....

Nandu : lagta hae girl friend ko miss kar rahi hae .....

Manik : really girl friend Kon tha.....he asks fully excited ......

Arya : stop it Bhai I don't have a girl friend .....

Nandu : don't try to lie .....zeff told me everything .....

Arya : can't this girl keep anything secret .....

Nandu laughed listening to him .....

Manik : so you love zeff.....

Arya : no Bhai ....she is like my sister ....even she had a boy friend ..... he says immediately......

Nandu : she is another girl manik .... You know Arya is scared to propose her zeff told me .....

Manik : Arya ....look at me .....Arya lifts his face to see Manan smiling at him.....if you love someone never ever get scared ...bcoz once you loose them will  feel life is hell ..... so go propose her .... And yeah even if you get rejected don't feel bad ....bcoz you have all the rights to say your feeling at the same time respect the girl ...even she has all the rights to say her opinion ..... Even it might be choosing you or not .....but don't force anyone to love you don't waste time thinking to say or not .... Bcoz it might be late sometimes and you should not regret for not saying her.  ...I don't know the girl ....I don't need to know ....go and think when and where to propose ...okay ....

Arya : thank you Bhai I will say her ......I really needed this....

Nandu : eat fast ...we need to go to hospital na ......all three are eating breakfast.....

Manik : where is cabir ....???

Nandu : he left early morning ....
saying he is having important work...
He didn't even have breakfast ....she says being sad....

Manik : don't worry he will eat something from canteen.....we will call him ......nandu nodes in yes.....

Than Manan Arya completed breakfast and left to hospital in cab.....

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