Chapter 13: Entering the Portal

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Kamui's POV

In the end, we split into three groups. I wanted to be with Bro's group but nooooooooo I get to be with Chris and Misaki... well Misaki's fine but CHRIS?!? "Quit complaining!" Chris said. Huh? "Did I say that out loud?" I asked, "Yes,you did" Misaki sighed. "But what's wrong being in my group Kamui?!" Chris snapped at me. "It isn't my fault we got the same grade!"

"So how are we gonna choose the teams?" Naoki asked. We thought for awhile then finally Ren got an idea," Why not we use vanguard cards to pick our groups. We get three cards from grades 1-3, shuffle them and draw then the cards will do the rest." "Good idea Ren!" Miwa said. Aichi brought out his deck, took nine cards from them and began to place it on a nearby table randomly. Ren, Miwa and Naoki got grade three; Aichi, Gaillard and Leon got grade two so that means... I get grade one along with Misaki and ... oh man, Chris. This is gonna be one loooooooooooong search. "There, now we have our teams" Ren happily said.
(End of flashback)

"He's got a point you know." Misaki said. "Hey who's side are you on anyway?!" I faced Misaki only to be met by a scary expression. "I'm on nobody's side. Now lets get back to finding what we're here for before I accidentally punch you!" 'Accidentally?' I nervously thought then turned to Chris who was also looking at me with a smirk and a face that says ' that's what you get'. We then heard Misaki murmuring, 'Why do I even have to babysit this kids' . Both of us sweat dropped at her sudden comment and let silence take over as we continued searching for that portal.

Ren's POV

Me, Miwa and Naoki searched at the bottom parts of the building for that portal we've taken before. Now that I think about it, we used an elevator going up to the portal so I'm guessing it's on Aichi's team. Oh well... at least I get to hang with these two more. Miwa's kinda like me in a way, funny, happy go lucky, will do anything for Kai (I've been there before) and a good friend (well I hide that part of me sometimes... especially to Asaka.) We actually got to know each other to quickly and together with Naoki, this isn't a bad team to be with. We should do this more often! "Are you sure we can find it here Ren? I mean, you are the only one in our group thats been there before." Naoki said as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Ummmmm... I'm not really sure but it won't hurt to try, right?" I lied.

Aichi's POV

Gaillard, Leon and I went to the upper floors in search of the portal to the Gateway to Cray. At last, we reached the last floor and as fate would have it, the portal was located there. "We found it." Leon said. "You sure this is the right one?" Gaillard asked. "Leon's right, we've been there before and this looks exactly like the one we used." I assured.  "So how do we get this thing to turn on?" "Our best answer would be using our PSY Qualias since Takuto isn't here to activate it anymore" Leon said. "Then lets call the rest then." Gaillard said.

When we were complete, Leon told the plan. The four of us put the plan to action and used our PSY Qualia, hoping it will work. The portal suddenly activated and Takuto's voice was heard. It looked like he anticipated this and made a message for us telling that we will all gain power in going to Cray, but we must only chose  one card each to bring with us, for we will need it. After choosing, the portal shown brighter and everything went black.

This is probably the longest chapter I've made so far (if not, then second longest) and I've only done it in less than an hour! Yay~ (I'm on a break from doing my homework xD) It feels like a big achievement...

Read, comment, vote and enjoy everyone♡

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