Part 13. Am I Ready?

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MANICURE. PEDICURE. A FACIAL AND A waxing? I don't care what Dini says, never will I ever get my legs waxed.

Okay, first I get talked into a date way too early in the morning because of a hangover and let us not forget the moment in the hall that made me look like a prostitute, then I am talked into going to a spa to get a facial and manicure.

If I wind up with my legs waxed, I won't be happy. My legs were happy, lotion soft, and ready to go in a black skirt Dini had bought me.

Since I said I wasn't wearing a dress, Dini happily flashed her dad's credit card and bought me a skirt with a matching shirt that would look 'fabulous' on me.

Her words, not mine.

I sat in a chair letting a woman with her hair in a bun do my nails a baby blue color while a facial mask sat on my face. Dini was in the chair beside me having the same thing done.

I was annoyed by the feeling of sitting on my ass for the past hour while I had a pedicure done, which tickled my feet endlessly.

"Come on, Lily. You know you are enjoying this." I sent a look over to my cousin who winced and shook her head "Okay, maybe not. But at least you aren't getting a wax done" she pointed out as I rolled my eyes.

Was I ready to go out on another date? I mean it wouldn't hurt me, right? Sawyer seems nice but most of the time we all know how that ends, yet if he did get hurt like Zeke said just maybe he already knows that feeling.

The feeling of betrayal with a broken heart.

Will's face entered my mind. His gorgeous brown eyes, his black hair that went slick down the back of his neck, that toothy grin, and the way he would laugh when I couldn't play pool right.

I gave myself a mental slap as I shook my head, no Lily don't hurt yourself. You don't deserve to do yourself like that, I thought as the woman finished my nails. I pulled them up to my face and noticed she had done a simple pretty black flower design which made me smile at her in thanks as she walked beside me to start taking the mask off my face.

As soon as this is over, I am grabbing my phone and blocking Will's number. I don't need him to be happy, even if he was my boyfriend for six freaking years-

I yelled as it felt like the woman ripped my skin off with the facial mask, Dinah was in her chair laughing as she watched, her hand jerking as the woman doing her nails tried to paint them pink.

"Ha-ha! That looked like it hurt, cuz" she mocked me as she settled back into her chair with a grin, I sent a glare her way as the woman started peeling off the mask.

When I get finished here I am taking her key card and going to the hotel so she can't get in, I thought angrily as the woman peeled away a face mask and skin.

After they finished up and Lily paid we grabbed an ice cream from a stand outside the spa and made our way back to the hotel, walking since it wasn't far away.

I ate my chocolate-dipped cone in no time while Dinah slowly ate hers and looked up at the sun.

"I cannot believe you are going on a date. My cousin, the one-man woman for six years, finally is ditching a jackass for a cute ass."

Only Dini could put things that ... odd? I mean, Sawyer does have a nice butt, that isn't a lie.

But, somewhere deep down under the nerves and excitement, I felt ... sad. I don't know if it was from the fact of Will, or because I was scared of dating a different guy but I knew it had to do with me and my feelings. Not nobody or anything else.

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