Chapter 8

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"Get up. C'mon. Wake up Madeline." I heard as I rolled over in bed not wanting to move at all.

"Don't call me that." I mumbled quietly still half asleep.

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want. Now get up if you want something to eat." A strong voice said as I came completely out of my daze. I rolled back over and sat up rubbing my eyes. I looked up to find Harry standing there with a slight smirk on his face. I raised my eyebrows at him as I stood up and followed him out of the room.

"Can I ask why you're not man-handling me anymore?" I asked bewildered at where I was getting the confidence to ask these questions. Harry walked down the stairs and into the kitchen without answering my question. I huffed, accepting that I wouldn't get an answer. I stood at the counter and rubbed my eyes once again as I felt him walk up right beside me.

"It's because I know where you are at all times Madeline. At all times." He said as he slightly brushed his foot up against my ankle where the newly placed tattoo was. My eyes went wide and I knew he had finally planted the tracking device on me. How? I haven't the slightest clue, but the fact that I wouldn't be able to get away unless I wanted to gouge it out of my ankle, was enough to keep me here.

"Eat something now unless you want to be in here with 3 other boys when they get back." He said as he grabbed something out of the cupboard and shuffled off into the living room. I searched through them finding a pop tart; the most appetizing thing they had right now. I popped it into the toaster to heat it up a bit, before sitting at the table and eating it. A couple minutes later the door slammed open, sending the boys in and setting bags down everywhere.

"Who knew boys enjoyed shopping as much as girls." Harry scoffed sitting on the couch making me smirk a bit.

"For your information all this shit isn't just for us. So if you want to survive the next 3 months you'll thank us." Zayn said as he walked into the kitchen towards me. I quickly exited, wanting to get out of his way and walked towards Harry.

"Um Harry?....When can I change my clothes..." I asked really not wanting to stay in his t-shirt that I had been in for four days.

"Hey don't worry Madeline. I got you something today. Go ahead and take a shower and change into it." Liam said as he chucked a plastic bag at my chest and walked off towards the kitchen.

"Um...thanks." I mumbled as I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. I found a new shaving razor under the sink thankfully, and hopped into the shower without taking a look in the bag of clothes. I used the only shampoo they had in there which was some random manly brand I had never heard of, and was out in minutes.

After changing into the clothes I walked down the stairs to see all the guys on the couches.

"How do you like your new outfit Madeline?" Liam smirked eyeing me up and down as the rest looked over.

"I'm debating whether or not I should've stayed in the t-shirt." I said crossing my arms and leaning against the wall while they chuckled. "But seriously these shorts are too short. Especially for just wearing around the house in freezing cold weather."

"If anything I'd say they're a little too long." Zayn said redirecting his gaze from my crotch back to the television. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to get away from them.

Wattpad has been acting funny. Sorry for republishing chapters.

On The Run ~Criminal Harry Styles~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें