Chapter 107 [Stay Where It Is Cool]

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"Alright, those who had wanted to watch the drama may be dismissed now. Go to wherever the weather is cooling."

The people standing around were sensitive enough and dispersed after seeing Lin Mengya's expression.

It appeared that the rumor regarding Prince Yu was true after all, otherwise, why would Prince Yu go back into the tent once Princess Yu appeared?

When Lin Mengya turned around, Long Tianhao was already lying on the bed without removing his outer coat.

Long Tianyu had shut his eyes tightly but Lin Mengya could sense that he was not asleep.

"Have you fallen asleep, Your Highness?"

Lin Mengya was suddenly addicted to the game of teasing Long Tianhao.

"If you're, I'm going to extinguish the lights!"

She blew the candles and in that instant, darkness filled the tent. What was left was Lin Mengya's pair of bright eyes, staring at Long Tianhao.

She carefully got up the bed and lay down beside Long Tianhao, fully dressed as well.

However, she could sense Long Tianhao tensed up his body the moment she lay down.

At the instant, she had the urge to burst out laughing.

"Your Highness, haven't you slept on the same bed with someone else before?"

Although he kept quiet, Lin Mengya could tell from listening to his breathing that he was erratic.

Good heavens, she was not aware that Long Tianhao was actually such a pure and innocent man, which was so rare.

"Me too, I've never slept on the same bed with another man. You're my first, Your Highness."

Lin Mengya immediately felt something amiss after making that statement.

She pursed up her lips to hide her elation, there was heartwarming feeling in her.

That night, the two of them slept fully dressed, but it was a good night's sleep for them both.

Early the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone into their tent, Long Tianhao awoke immediately.

When he was about to get up from bed, he realized that a delicate hand was holding on to his arm.

He turned to look at the beautiful profile of Lin Mengya.

Her silky smooth skin appeared gorgeously translucent when the sunlight shone on it.

Her delicate features appeared even lovely when she was asleep.

This lass was light a little kitten, hanging on to his arm and burying her face at the inside of his elbow. Occasionally, she even rubbed her cheeks on his arm.

He had never known how sweet the feeling was when someone clung to his arm.

Strangely, her features did not look unrefined even in her sleep.

It felt as if he would never have enough of staring at her. It was as if he was possessed and he had to look at her long and deep.

"Your Highness, are you and the princess awake?"

Baiji's voice sounded outside the tent, and instinctively, a frown appeared on Long Tianhao's countenance.

He was afraid that this young lady in his arms would be awakened. He cautiously retracted his arms from under her, got up and went out of the tent without straightening his clothes.

Stunning Poisonous Doctor PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora