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Sarah's POV.

The truth redeems itself from lies sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.


I ought to tell him. This was the only thought that was running through my brain, I couldn't think anything above it but the smirk at the little stunt I pulled over with Clayton wasn't going. I walked like a boss to his home only to find Nate and Zack lounging over on couch lazily. I hugged Cassie, she is Zack's mom and high fived his younger brother Garett.

"Hey girl, you look awesome!" Cassie hugged me very tightly.

"Thank you, Cassie, so do you!" I replied with the same enthusiasm as her. She is way too pretty I have always admired her beauty.

"So who's hungry?" I ask the boys and I hear 3 simultaneous "me" in reply.

"You have the kitchen sweetie!" Cassie went to the study room leaving me and the boys together.

"What are you making for us ?" Nate asked but before I could answer his loud ringtone blared like a siren. Damn his ringtone, duckface.

"Get lost Nate, change the damn ringtone!" I gritted when he walked outside saying he has to go.

"Fuck you, Nate!" Zack yelled making me and Garett laughing.

"I'll be back till you make pancakes Sarah, I need a bath!" Garett skipped over for a bath, he looked like he hasn't had one since ages.

"Ewww! You pig, go get a bath man!" I cringed with a laugh.

"So you and Nate Huh!?" I laughed hysterically at that thought of them gay.

"No Sarah, it's not what you think!" He was so defensive and it was so much fun.

"Man, that saves you so much trouble. I mean no chase, no drama! Damn you made a good choice!" My fits of laughter weren't stopping, to be honest.

"Oh c'mon Sarah!" That was his only reply.

"C'mon Zack, you can tell me about your choices. I mean I won't judge you Zackie." I stuck out a tongue at him and he just dragged me an angry look.

"What? You just told him fuck you!" I said innocently.

"You're a fine bitchy ass you know that right!" Zack stated with a smug face.

"So I have been told by Clayton a few minutes ago!" I laughed internally at the stunt again.

"And for the record, I am not gay. You're such an asshole! Also, why have you been meeting him after the breakup." He replied wondering what has this to do with Clayton.

"Ummm, I'll tell you that later! Pancakes?" I ask him and even Garett came on the record timing.

"You've to tell me a lot of stuff after this!" I knew that indicated to break up I recently had, I nodded obediently

"See just on time." Garett hungry eyes raided the pancakes even before I could say anything. We ate in silence cause we were all hungry and I was definitely starving. I exchanged hellos with Zack's father Derek Pearson. His personality could be intimidating but his heart was gold. After everyone was gone Zack did the dishes while I sat on his kitchen counter.

"How could you not tell me Cherry?" Oops, trouble meets trouble.

"Tell you not what?" I asked him back.

"About Clayton Cherry." He said making the elephant in the room obvious.

"Umm, what do you want to know Zack?" A little serious tone and this conversation was really happening.

"Everything." Was his only reply.

"Umm, where do I start? Ok so let's do this, remember that day when I came here to learn calculus?" He nodded so I took it as a sign to continue.

"We fought that day, and it was on line later but as time went by he had problems with finest things like joking around, he had been doubting me with you and every time I proved him wrong he had something else ready. He kept on and on about how you, Nate, Abbott and God knows who is hitting on me and I just went ewww on his thought. I was frustrated. We fought day and night and there was nothing, nothing at all except fight. Suddenly he stopped paying attention and started distancing. Man, if I knew sooner I would kick his ass but never mind that's taken care of now! But then it clicked me that he is been avoiding me and at the party, we went last I think it was Lucas's party I saw him flirting with a girl I didn't know. I was pushing my luck to the extreme and I wanted to take the swing and so I did. I stalked and damn he was literally cheating on me with the party girl. I pressed all his buttons to make him confess and so did he confessed. He had sex with that damn girl and it raged me so much more, the first ever guy I was with cheated me. Obnoxious and displeasing rat, but our exams were already on the plate so I pushed it a little and then yesterday I blew up pretty bad.!" He hung up on my story like a baby does to bedtime stories- quiet, calm and attentively.

I don't know what I saw in his eyes, maybe the flicker of emotions that I saw was Pity, I didn't want anyone's pity. His muscles were flexing, he had this creased forehead, he was angry and disappointed. I get that I was too disappointed with myself.

"Are you fine?" That was the only thing he could ask.

"Yes yes. I am fine. A little arrogant then ever but yes I'm fine. Let's talk about you and Rose. There is something I wanna tell you!" Instead of telling I show him the recording, I did the reason I came here.

Two bombs in a day. These people hit home and now we don't know who to trust. Who to choose. Where to go and how much to push the limits. Have you heard the phrase about hammering? The hammering once stops feels good and so it did now. It felt good. It felt free.

"I'm sorry Zackie!" I hug him and my voice was hoarse. I was exhausted. He was exhausted. Going out with someone who cheated was exhausting.

"I knew it!" His voice was cold. Very cold.

"You what?" I was shocked to a great extent.

"I knew it! I knew she was with someone else since 2 months. It's unbelievable considering we kissed a couple of times." He stated and gave me back my phone.

"You should have told me sooner." I was unable to comprehend anything that he told.

"In Lucas's party, the same one as you told, it was such a good party I was sober and everything was good until.. until Rose got drunk. Drunk as in literally drunk, slurring every word she spoke. I told her to wait and I went to get our coats, I thought I would drop her but it was such a waste. I came inside looking for her in the hallways, stairs, roofs and restrooms but damn I didn't find her but there was this familiar voice in from one of the rooms so I peeked in. Rose was lying on the other guy and she was half naked. We kissed Cherry and then she threw me out of her life like that! Just like that. I haven't been talking to her since that day!" Damn Rose was the only thought in my mind I mean why the fuck these suck-ups fuck everything. Assholes. Cheaters.

"Good lord, fucked up people. I told you! I told you she is such a bitch!" I was getting angrier by the minute.

"I told you not to chase her she is going to kick your ass but you, your self feeding ego is so huge that you were angry with me for telling you the truth." I was angry, very very angry. We choose our friends as a family beyond our parents and sibling. We really do and when it's a crisis that is clouding us we tend to stick by. I was sticking by Zack there was no second guessing but nobody wants a fall. Nobody really wants an emotional downfall not until somebody is there to catch the call.

"Guess you were right. She really did betray me!" God his voice was not meek but by the way, he said, I knew he was attached.

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