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Ashton's POV

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Ashton's POV

The day is already going awful. And I am currently in a very cranky mood.

When are you not?

Shut up!

Firstly I woke up late due to my mind being 'somewhere' else I forgot to set my alarm and Lord knows I can't wake up without my alarm. On top of that my secretary quit her job saying that she is getting married.

I mean she could always take a holiday and return! But she said she wants to concentrate more on her married life.

Why do people even marry?

Because maybe they want to have a good life, unlike *cough*someone *cough*.

Shut up!

Can you come up with something else?

Shut- Ughh. What am I even doing?

Although she said she has got a replacement I want someone who is as efficient as her. She was a really good secretary I wouldn't lie. She always did her work efficiently and she was loyal.

She said that she would be coming for an interview after Kate's wedding.

Well, we'll just have to see who the new secretary is.

Aria's POV

I woke up with cramps all over my body because I was curled up in a ball the whole night. I didn't even eat anything since yesterday.

I have to search for a job too. Ugh, My life sucks.

Haha, Happy realization.

I sighed and went to my bedside table where I had kept my phone for charging, I see 34 missed calls and 57 texts from my best friend,Kate.

Shit! I forgot that it was her bachelorette party today. I was in my own grief I didn't even remember that my best friend was going to start a new life tomorrow.She was getting married. And it was her last 'single' night.

I call her back. And she picks before the second ring.

"Where the fuck are you Anne? I have been calling you since ages! You can't even visit your dearest best friend when she is going to get married.And on top of that it is her bachelor's party tonight! Don't you care about my feeli-"

"Shut up Kate. I'm sorry for not picking up your call but I'm having a really shitty day already"I cut off her ramble.

Kate was my best friend since forever. In middle school, I was a very extroverted child who was curious about everything. One day,I saw this girl sitting in the swing. I went to her and asked her name. She was Kate obviously. I brought her home to meet my mom and we started playing at each other's houses, were in the same classes and eventually became best buddies.

Other than me (and Thomas of course.),She was the only other human to know about everything that is going on in my life, shitty life,might I add.

In high school,she started dating this guy, Sean Monroe, and they continued dating all throughout college and are freaking getting married now! Huh!

And now you all must be thinking the author made a typo writing Anne when my name is Aria but no,

My full name is Aria Anne Mathews. So she calls me Anne because she wanted to call me something different, different than the others.

"Aww I'm sorry I lashed out on you Anne. But, I have a good news for you!"She said happily.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Katy!Nothing can make me happy right now but go ahead!" I said and sat on my bed.

"Psst! Such a buzzkill! But I'm one hundred thousand percent sure you'll surely be happy after you hear this. So. as you know I was working as a personal assistant to the CEO of a company and I quit my job there, so I'm gonna recommend you there! And I know you're qualified for it. So you'll go there after my wedding tomorrow."

"Oh my Goodness! Katy this is such a good news. Oh my God! Thank you! Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me." I cried on the phone.

"I know Aria. Trust me this is the best opportunity you're gonna get ever. But rest all that aside, you're gonna attend my party tonight bitch! Or I'm going to strangle that pretty neck of yours." She threatened.

I chuckled and replied "Kate I will try my best,you know how he gets right?But i'll try asking him as it's your wedding." I paused and heard no reply from the other end.

"Kate?You there?" I heard a low sniffling sound. "Katy why are you crying? Is everything alright?Kate-"

"I'm sorry Anne. I'm such a terrible best friend. Even after knowing about your situation,I can't do anything to help you. I feel so bad whenever you talk to me about the things he does and everything you've gone through. It crushes my heart to see you crying but hang in there Anne,there will be someone who's gonna take you away from all the pain and will treat you like the queen you are. And you are the strongest person in my world. I respect you Anne. And I love you.A lot."She finished with a small sob.

"Oh Kate! It's not any of your fault. This situation is something we can't do anything about. And just the words you spoke now are enough for me to live through this. You are the only good thing in my life right now." I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear drop on my hand.

"Stop now. Because of you I'll have to redo my makeup. Stupid tears." I laughed.

See this is why she's my best friend. She could make me cry at one moment and in the other, laugh.


This place already reeked of alcohol. Something I had gotten used to, living with a drunkard brother for almost seven years.

And here I'm talking about Kate's party hall and not my home. Yes! I got to her party because Thomas isn't home. I had gone to ask him about this when he said he's going on a trip with his "friends" for a week and wouldn't be home.

So here I am! I haven't told Kate about me coming to her party, I wanted to give her a little surprise.

I went inside to see many girls,maybe from Kate's office and some of her relatives and Sean's relatives.

They all had worn these short party wears but hrre I'm in a long sleeve maxi to hide my scars. No matter how many disapproving looks I get, I couldn't let them see my scars.

I spotted Kate near the tables, talking to some guy. What is a guy doing here? Isn't this supposed to be an all girls night. The guy had his back to me so I couldn't figure out who he was.

But the guy was really tall, taller than Kate in her six inch heels and boy, Kate was already very tall.

I reached there and called out "Kate"

They both turned towards me. I looked at the guy and gasped.


DUN DUN DUN! Cliffhanger!

Who do you think that was?

Keep guessing until the next update.

How did you find the chapter?

And any complains?

Until later

With love,



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