Chapter 4

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Of course they want to know. They want to know why I was sent to deliver the goods. And they want to know who I'm working for, what I'm in for and why I ended up with their package and not my own. The answer is simple: I was played.

Since last week, I've been in with a bunch of local crews looking for some drugs to deal. It's easy money and when you sell in bulk you make quite a bit. I've done it more times than I can count. I'm a bit of a floater right now, so I don't actually belong to a crew. Most of the East crew members I know from around the place, and they asked me as a favor to go in.

The trade was made two nights ago. I met the guy in the town square. I don't always feel comfortable with these kinds of swaps - I used to ride around on my Bobber and deliver the goods to middle-class white people's houses at around three in the afternoon. That's the most common way these days. But when it's a decent buy, it needs to be done somewhere close and night.

When I arrived I found him sitting on a park bench. We traded off and I shoved the cash in my pocket. Done deal. Suddenly, there were sirens. Instinct kicked in and a got ready to run when a shot rang out and I dropped to the floor. When I looked up to see who was hit and make sure it wasn't me, the cops were arresting the Southbend guy, Travis. I tried to run ... things got ugly. They took Travis in for possession and chased me all the way across town. Once they brought me in, they had no evidence to hold me, but because Sarge and I are such good friends, he kept me anyway.

"I ..." What can I tell them? That Travis is probably locked up for life because someone spilled the beans about the trade? "I was told to give it to the guy on the bench, that was the extent of my instruction. It's not my fault the cops showed up. I delivered the drugs, I did my part. Travis was obviously just unlucky."

Connor is seething. He runs a hand through his oily hair and begins to pace. "Do you have any idea who ratted you out to the cops about our deal?"

"No. They're the ones you should be mad at," I say.

"Well you're a nuisance, aren't you?"

"Hey, I don't see you in jail for someone else's mistake!" I snap back at him. Their gazes are switching between each other, crossing their arms, being all tense and defensive. This is getting pointless. I don't know why I'm wasting my time. "I gotta run, but it was nice to catch up and ... we should do it again sometime."

I turn to exit the way I came in, but Sam and Li block my way like bouncers.

"We need you to do us a favour," Connor says.

I turn back to him. "I'm all out of favours, Con."

"This isn't a favour you get to turn down."

I feel my blood boiling. "You're not Mercy. I don't owe you shit."

Connor's face goes pink. He doesn't say a word because he knows it's true.

"Hear him out, Jess," says Billy. His tone is so soft, I can't resist.

"Fine. What do you want?"

Connor begins. And the more he talks, the more I realize that their earlier conversation was about me. I'm the one they needed so desperately.

"You want me to what?!" I exclaim.

"The Mafia wants someone who is young enough and experienced enough to complete the mission," says Connor. "I know it's not your run-of-the-mill drug deal, but it isn't any worse."

"Are you fucking serious?" I stare around at the group, feeling as though I'm trapped in an alternate universe where they think I'd ever happily agree to something like this. Connor, maybe, but the others know me better than my own family. "There's nothing worse than assassination! I'm not going to kill someone on purpose!" I glance at Billy and Todd, but their expressions are neutral. This isn't news to them. I can see that Billy knows I'm not going to agree to this. And why would I? My life is only just beginning, I'm not going to prison for murder. I'd never get out, what with my track record. And I'd have it on my conscience for like ... ever. No, no way. No way in hell.

"Are you sure? This could be the opportunity of a lifetime." Connor dangles the deal in my face like its two-for-one pizza.

I let out a sharp laugh. "If by opportunity, you mean the chance to get myself murdered by mobsters, for sure - sign me up."

"Look," says Connor, "they've somehow got wind of your reputation and when they approached me ... I told them I'd recruit you."

I groan. "Which Mafia is it?"

"Maryland. They're trying to gain control of the surrounding suburbs and show the crews how to run things. That's why they're out here. Plus, the guy they want you to kill is an evil prick with cash to burn and thinks he runs this city, but he runs it the wrong way."

I can't help but note the bitter taste in his words. So Connor isn't happy about being told what to do by the Big Boss, eh? Like I give a shit. This doesn't concern me.

"I'm outta here." I step back and turn to leave. This time they don't try to stop me. "Next time anyone asks me for a favor, tell them I'm closed for business."

"Too late for that," Connor grins. "The Mafia knows more about you than even I do. They're powerful, Knight. And they get what they want."

It takes all the will power in me to storm off. If I ask anything more, it will only make things worse and my involvement more concrete.

The fucking Mafia wants me to assassinate a high-profile business man who's probably our equivalent of the Godfather.

And it's only eight am.

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