Chapter Nine

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"So you're Alpha Lupine's mate?" A rough voice questions and I look over at him. He's large, muscular, and altogether he looks super terrifying. Oh no. I don't want these men talking to me.

"Yeah I guess." I shrug and Theo moves a little on my feet, reminding me he's here.

"I expected you to be different." Another man a little smaller than the first asks. I look over at him with furrowed eyebrows. What is that supposed to mean? "I was expecting someone more like him. This is like having a great white shark be mates to a baby seal. It just doesn't seem right." As much as I want to agree, I keep my mouth shut.

Theo pops his eyes open and looks over at the man that just spoke. Uh oh. Someone's in trouble. Theo closes his eyes again with a growl. It's a warning and everyone knows it.

"So what's your name, little girl?" The first man asks and I frown over at him. I'm not a little girl. I'm only two years younger than Theo. There are probably a few men out here that are even younger than me.


"Mmm. That's a pretty name." Another man says and I don't even dare to look at him. They're all making me uncomfortable. For the first time, Theo doesn't seem like the biggest monster in the room. He's actually the only one making me feel safe right now. I can feel all of the other men watching me.

"What pack are you from?" Someone asks and then burps. The men break out laughing. I frown. That's a little rude. Do they not understand I'm a woman and not another savage like them?

"Alpha Michael's pack." I respond and a few of them snort. I hear a few comments about how weak my pack is and I are in that direction. Aren't I technically their Luna? Is this really how they're choosing to treat me?

"And how old are you?" A different man chimes in. I swallow hard.


"Oh she's legal." A man calls out and they all chuckle. I look down at Theo but he does nothing. Okay. I can handle this. I look around at them and shiver in disgust. Some men are shoving food in they're faces and others are making snide remarks about me and most of them are eyeing me hungrily.

"You aren't being very respectful." I address them all and they quiet down, looking at me surprised. "I'm your Alpha's mate. Not only am I being disrespected right now but so is your alpha. Try showing some respect and stop acting like animals when you're all supposed to be men." I slip my feet out from under Theo, who's looking up at me, and stand up.

"It was nice meeting everyone." I nod my head before walking back to the cabin. Theo stays out by the fire for a few seconds as the men speak to him through the pack link before he trots off after me. He peers sideways at me and I reach over, scratching behind his ear. "I'm going to bed." He nods his head at me and I go up the stairs into our room.

I collapse on to the bed and breathe out. I don't care how calm I seemed, speaking to them like that was the scariest thing I've done in my life. They stares at me like I had some nerve. I don't but they didn't need to know that. The door to the bedroom opens, and I don't need to open my eyes to know who it is. Theo shuffles through some drawers for a little while before he comes around to my side and sits down in front of me. I keep my eyes closed even as he brushes the hair away from my face softly.

"I have to go work on some things." He says and I open my eyes and look at him. I wish things were different. I wish he weren't a murderer because if I didn't know about all that he's done, I would have no problem being his mate. But that's a wish that will never come true. "I'll be back in a little bit."

He leans down and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes once again as he presses his lips to my skin. Why does his touch have such an effect on me? It's almost unfair. He breathes in my scent before cupping my cheek and running his thumb over my cheekbone. I shiver.

How can he be so gentle with those hands when they have so much blood on them?

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