Chapter 62

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Krey didn't sleep a wink for the rest of the night. He woke Pip at the first sign of dawn, thankful they had made it so long without getting hurt, and for Pip to have at least five hours of sleep.

"Pippor," Krey said as gently as he could. Pip mumbled lowly, struggling to open his eyes. He smiled tiredly up at Krey, and Krey very nearly smiled back until he remembered that his mother was in the room. "Time to get up."

Pip struggled to sit up, but at least he didn't wake with a sore head and throat like he had for the past few weeks. Connecting the bond had done wonders to Pip's health, and he had a lovely dream about Krey. Pip dreamt that he and Krey were back on Crescent Hill, only this time, it was summer, and they were surrounded by flowers of all sorts of colours. In his dream, the sun softened Krey's brown eyes, and basked his skin in daylight. They were laughing, making jokes, flirting. Pip hoped they could be like that in the future, and that his new life wouldn't always be caught up in trouble.

"Makena," Pip beamed, seeing Krey's mother sitting peacefully in the corner, still in her long black velvet dress. He was pleasantly surprised by the warmth of the room. "What time did you get here?"

"A few hours after you." She handed Pip his clothes. "They dried by the fire. Even your shoes."

"Thank you so much!" Pip changed into his smart blue jeans, his black top, and black knitted jumper with a white wolf's head embroidered in the middle. Putting on dry socks was a nice feeling and a luxury Pip might not get for a while, so he cherished his warm toes.

He gave Krey his t-shirt back and laced up his converse.

Krey had maybe slept an hour during the night, from the time his mum left to find firewood, and to the time she came back with some firewood. He wasn't tired, just anxious to be home again. "Let's see if Viktor will offer us breakfast." Krey took Pip's hand and ignored his mother's wide grin.

Mark and Victoria left their room at the same time. Victoria smiled and Mark shuffled behind her at the first sight of Krey. Krey's fists clenched at the first sight of Mark.

"Have you tried phoning your parents?" Krey asked.

"Yes, they didn't pick up, so I left a text to my mum saying I was safe, though I didn't tell her where I was. I don't want the text falling into the wrong hands."

Pip felt uneasy as they neared the room packed with werewolves. Pip didn't know any of them very well, and he didn't know if any of them wanted to get to know him, a human.

Francis bounced over and hugged Pip, lifting him off the ground and squeezing him tight. "I was so relieved when Krey had found you! I'm so sorry you had to run off on your own like that."

"I was with him," Mark said.

Francis looked Mark up and down blankly. "There's toast and eggs if you want some?" she said to Pip, steering him through the room, forgetting that he was her Alpha's mate and treating him more like a friend.

Krey, surprisingly, didn't mind because Pip was happy to be in her company, and he didn't want to be his controlling werewolf-self and get jealous whenever anyone spoke to his mate. I will give him room to breathe. Krey approached Sid to see how his arm was doing while staring at Pip from the corner of his eye.

Pip had as much toast as he could eat, and two boiled eggs, not sure when he would next be able to have food. Every time he looked up, people were staring at him. Pip wanted to say hello, but his nerves got the better of him. "What d-do you think will happen today?" he asked, making a black coffee with no sugar for Krey.

"I think we'll try to persuade Viktor's pack to join us in the fight for our home, therefore forever being in his debt. Viktor's not a bad man, but he's not really a fair one."

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