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Hi guys! So you may have guessed it, but at the moment, I'm taking a hiatus. I'm still writing, but I can't keep up with all my responsibilities and have an active book. At the moment I'm participating in some different writing contests and I'm in school (finals week next week ftw) and I have a steady job giving me about 2ish hours a night for myself and while I enjoy it and don't mind the limited time, I just don't have as much time to sit and write even though I wish I did. I want you to know that just because I'm taking a break in this book does not mean I've forgotten you. I'll always be here, I mean this is the first book I ever wrote and published and watched grow into this beautiful thing that it wouldn't be without every single one of you. It's not a goodbye, just a see you later. I'll promise that I'll pick back up right where we left off later when I'm a bit more stable. Just so you guys know, I'm more than willing to speak about my plans for the book if you want to know what happens immediately and I'm always, always, always here for you.

I love you guys so, so, so much.


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