Chapter 14

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"Excuse us." Karim muttered as he dragged her to the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here! You are supposed to come in two days not today!" Karim seethed in a low voice because he knew his dad was looking at their every move.

The last thing he needed was for his dad to be suspicious of his marriage.

"Why not today? Trust me I don't want to be here as much as you. But my Wali needs to meet you." She brushed the sleeves of her dress where Karim touched.

"And don't drag me around la kid. You will mess up my hair and make up." She turned away from him walking towards his dad and uncle.

Karim wasn't sure he could be able to mess them up any further. Her blue hair was in a beach wave. She was in her signature tight black jeans and she wore a white crop top before wearing a deep blue jeans jacket over it.

Karim sighed and walked over to his dad and uncles.

"I know I'm not supposed to be here yet. But my Wali arrived yesterday and was intent on meeting my new family before any thing was settled."

"That's not a problem. We were expecting someone to represent you." Tawfiq replied.

"Who's he?" Zaira eyed the other man by her soon to be father in law. He was handsome.

"This is Zain. My brother-in-law. Karim's uncle." Tawfiq answered.

"Salaam mu Alaykum." Zain greeted.

"Yeah. Hey. Too much handsome in your family, Karim. We should give birth to a boy." Zaira chuckled at the statement.

Karim was going to die. There in then. No way in heaven was he going to make a child with her. He was repulsed by the very idea that he shivered slightly.

" Let's go inside. I saw your aunt preparing food and I'm hungry!"

She shrugged her jacket off and tossed it to Karim who easily caught it. Her whole arm was bare and Karim could hear his uncle making Astagfirulahulaziim.

They followed quietly, all of them having the same thought.

What the heck is happening?


" Jafar. Zaira's Wali." The blonde man shook his dad's hand firmly.

"Tawfiq. Karim's father. Please. Sit. You are welcome. " Tawfiq introduced himself and gestured the man to the seat.

They were in the living room. Zaira was by Jafar. Whiles Karim sat by his father.

"Thanks." The man hadn't even looked at Karim for a second. He just kept staring at his dad.

Karim knew how his dad hated people just staring without saying anything. It just made him very angry.

"Cough... I'm Karim." Karim intervened.

It got his attention.

"I see. You look all grown up now."

"Huh?" Karim was confused.
Did he know him?

"I mean, you don't look like the age Zaira told me. You look more 25 than 20."The man corrected himself.

" I will be 21 a week after the wedding. "

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