Chapter 13 ✅

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Chapter Thirteen- Your nightmare have just begun

Joining Track was fun until I realized that Ms. Barbie was on it too.

Thursday morning was hot like the pan I had accidentally put my hand on. Which by the way made me look at my left palm. It was mostly healed now. The burn didn't hurt that much anymore but the recent scratches did. Last couple of days went without any Easton drama especially after the party on Friday. I tried apologizing to Ms. Barbie but, she was on a mission called Cassandra-have-plaque-run-away-from-her.

Which made this whole situation kinda complicated. Hence, the reason I was in school on early Friday morning with fuming Linda situated on my right and irked Easton on my left in the waiting room of our Dean's office.

"Ms. Rhodes, Madam Principal is waiting for you in the office."

Sighing, I stood up but instantly winced, almost falling back down when his strong arm wrapped around me, saving me from the fall.

I didn't know how much falls Easton had saved me from.

Which only made the guilt of keeping something vital from him worse.

His eyes absorbed me until he raised a brow, ostensibly annoyed.

Well, it wasn't my fault he got involved in too. That's his own damn fault!


The bell rang signaling the end of school and start of my track practice. I joined it today because I learnt that by being in sports I would be able to up my GPA. Which I needed to do badly if I wanted a good college in future.

I met Tabby and Jeanette at my locker like usual and we chatted about everything and nothing in particular. Arnold had asked Tabby out on a date and I didn't know if it was such a good idea. I asked her to not reply yet but soon I'd have to tell her my answer. We both knew what Alden would say, so there was no way talking to him about it.

Jeanette had been quiet these last couple of days. I tried to ask her if everything was okay but, she always shrugged saying everything was fine and it was just in my head.

But her sad eyes told another story everyday.

And it wasn't like I could nag her until she'd spill. Could I? I was new to this friendship thing and was trying to figure what was appropriate and what wasn't.

She hugged me bye and walked away. Left alone in the hallway, I contemplated going to the track practice. I joined them because I knew I could run. But I wasn't dumb to think that there was no difference between morning run and track run. But I couldn't back out now. The ship had already sailed.

Swallowing my fear, I walked down the hallway and abruptly halted when I saw Arnold. His back was to me but, I could tell by the way he was standing so close to a girl, that there was something beyond friendly going on.

Anger surged through me and I started to stomp towards him when I saw Easton heading my way.

I came to a stop.

Shoot me now!

I took a deep breath and turned around walking in the complete opposite direction from the school's ground.

I took a chance looking back and air escaped my lungs. He wasn't there anymore. Guess, he wasn't coming for me after all.

Paranoid, much?!

Last night I found his weed which was just behind the sugar jar in the upper cabinet. I was making some cold coffee when I found it. Before I could put it back, Linda walked in and I got so afraid that I pushed it all down the sink and threw the plain plastic wrap into my jeans pocket.

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