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SHE HAD SO MANY emotions running through her at one time that it was overwhelming both her and Jasper, who could feel everything that was overcoming her at once. It made his face contort into one of worry and discomfort and eventually Alice had to walk with him out of the room until the newborn calmed down.

She didn't know exactly what to feel. Echo was worried, pissed, happy, sad, and angry all at the same time that it was making her uncomfortable. Her jaw and fists were clenched and she decided that she was going to break Edward's face when he and Bella had arrived. When Bella and Edward entered the home, Carlisle had to quite literally hold Echo back so that she wouldn't lunge at the poor Cullen who immediately became terrified when she locked eyes with him.

Due to her just starting the diet, she had yet to gain the golden hues in her eyes so he was facing the wrath of a newborn assassin that was surely going to lunge at him when Carlisle let go of her. Bella's stomach was already growing and it looked like she had been three months pregnant, if not four. Bella looked miserable as she sat on the couch, and when Carlisle went to fix his grip Echo took the chance to break from Carlisle grip and grab hold of Edward before throwing him outside.

Before Edward could even react Echo was throwing him into a tree. Edward was scared of her as a human, but now that she was vampire―︎and a newborn at that―︎he was absolutely terrified of her. The other Cullen's in the house wanted to go after her, but were nervous to go near her seeing as none of them had ever seen her so angry before. Echo took her arm, pinning it hard against Edward's neck as she looked him dead in the eye.

"So help me god Edward Anthony Masen Cullen if my little sister dies because of this I am going to rip your head off from your shoulders faster than you have time to react. I don't know what the hell you were thinking, but never again. I do not want to see you around her when I'm here, I don't give a damn if you're her husband or not, take a step near her and I will show you the assassin I was trained to be." Her voice was low as she growled out her words. Edward was petrified. His eyes were wide as he looked at Echo, and he hadn't realized he had released a breath when she had removed her arm from his neck. She looked him in the eye as she said, "Go be with her. I shouldn't be around her when I'm like this. But when I get back, you're going in a different room."

With that Echo sped away and ran deeper into the woods, stopping and listening until she heard the sound of a cougars roar. Echo quickly chased it and pounced on it before breaking the neck of the creature to relieve her anger and then draining it dry. She couldn't go near Bella right now, afraid that she would lash out and accidentally hurt her. She walked around in the woods until she got to the treaty line of the wolves, stopping and sitting down. She leaned against a tree and let out a sigh.

She turned her head at the sound of footsteps being heard. She looked up at the black wolf that stood in front of her. Her red eyes met those of the wolfs and the wolf turned around, hiding behind a tree before changing back. Sam Uley walked out and over to his best friend. He sat down beside of her and waited for her to talk.

"Can you give me something to punch?" Echo asked, leaning her head against a tree. "Or, distract me so I don't punch something?"

"When did you change?" Sam asked, deciding to go with the latter.

"Well, I was bit a week ago, but didn't wake up till yesterday." Echo informed him. "Carlisle thought he had killed me for a good and was going into panic mode, I simply told him that it was my healing abilities fighting against the venom."

"How are you? How. . . how do you feel?" Sam asked. And though he would rather not talk about the blood-sucking demons, he was distracting his friend from possibly killing someone, and if talking about them were his only choice then so be it.

"Well, I'm upset, pissed, I was angry a second ago hence why I came out here. Almost killed Edward. Threatened to do so when I got back." Echo told him with a sigh. "But, right now I'm alright. I'm sitting on the forest floor, talking to my best friend. That's all I need right now."

Sam smiled at her words. So, he did what he had always done with Echo as a child. He wrapped his arm around her and allowed her to place her head on his shoulder. He felt Echo relax under his touch, under his comfort and it only made him smile more. "Do you like being a leech?"

"Oh ha ha." Echo mocked, slapping him gently in the side so as to not hurt him. "You're hilarious. But, it's alright. I miss being able to come down there to see you and the boys. But I'm also happy and either way it was going to be inevitable that I become one. But hey, at least I know I won't have to kill anyone, not on purpose anyways."

"Is that why you're out here?" Sam asked. Echo nodded her head.

"My sister's home, and I can smell her blood and I'm not stable enough to not attack her yet." Echo sighed a sad sigh. Sam gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Isn't she and Edward supposed to be on their honeymoon?" Sam asked. Echo nodded her head.

"Yep. They decided to come home early."

"Any particular reason as to why?" Sam asked with genuine curiosity.

"Not that I know of." Echo shrugged. Her lie fell smoothly from her mouth and it made her sad that she had to lie to her friend, but it was the only way she could protect her sister.

"Well, tell her I said hello."

"I will." Echo smiled. Looking up at the sky, she noticed it slowly starting to get dark. She sighed. "I better get back so Carlisle doesn't think I've abandoned him." The two stood up from their comfortable spots on the ground. Echo turned her body so that she was facing Sam. The two embraced each other into a hug. "Tell the boys I said hello."

"I will." Sam responded.

" Sam responded

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1,134 words


I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye loves!♥️


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