Chapter 126- The Prince Is Very Sick (50)

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In other words, Su Yan didn't want to.

But... her brain capacity was compressed to 2, and her mental power was so little that it had been used up.

At this time, she can only hope that this Gu king has not yet seen the world, so it could be cheated.

One person and one Gu spent a long time there.

This Gu had probably never seen anyone actually communicate with it.

In the end, a condition will be found for a better boarding body, and one person to another will reach a consensus.

After discussing properly, Su Yan closed up the box and put it in her cuffs.

Then she sorted out her clothes and hurried back along the way she came.

Su Yan didn't see Xuanyuan Yonghao until it was dark.

When night fell, she was playing with her embroidered purse in the bedroom.

Nan Tang appeared, still expressionless and hard-faced.

"Su Yan, His Highness told this subordinate to tell you that you can go directly to him at the banquet. By the way, take the purse you embroidered for him."

Su Yan nodded.


She stood up and walked toward the door.

The purse she embroidered was still in her hand.

She folded it a bit and put it into her cuffs, then she followed Nan Tang step by step.

Nan Tang was tall and big, and Su Yan followed him behind with small footsteps. Although he didn't walk fast, Su Yan still had to walk quickly.

In addition, it was getting darker, so when turning, she didn't pay attention and her arm hit a pole.

Su Yan took two steps back hadn't reacted yet before the oncoming people had already reprimanded her.

"Such a bold servant! Are you blind?!"

Looking up, she saw a maid in front of her, holding a long bamboo pole in her hand.

Because it was too dark, she didn't pay attention to the pole in her hand before hitting it.

The maid wore different clothing from the maids of the Xuanyuan Kingdom, with gray clothing, cuffs at the wrists and ankles, tightly sealed, like martial arts clothing.

This person speaks arrogantly.

Su Yan's attention was on the pole, and vaguely, she could see a blue serpent hovering on the pole.

The snake and the pole look too similar, so it's hard to notice if you don't pay attention.

Su Yan stroked her arm that had just been hit.

There was a bit of pain.

Xiaohua said, "Host, snake venom has entered your body, but because you have eaten a snake's gallbladder before, the toxin will not affect you."

Su Yan stroked her arm.

There was no sound.

Behind the maidservant, a woman in a fiery red shirt with a hot figure and golden bells on her ankles said, "This maidservant, if you hit someone, shouldn't you be punished?"

The woman's voice was like an oriole bird, but her tone was aggressive.

Nan Tang stood in front of Su Yan.

"Sorry for inadvertently bumping into you. I hope you forgive us."

The woman seemed more unreasonable.

"Well, seeing that your bodyguard is fairly sensible, let's go."

"Thank you."

Nan Tang stopped in front of the maidservant, protecting Su Yan from the two of them.

When they walked away, the maidservant was a little unhappy.

"Princess! Since when were you so compassionate?"

The red-dressed woman didn't speak and stepped forward. The bell on her foot shook.

"A maid should use her life to pay."

As she spoke, she looked at the tiny snake wrapped around the pole.

The maidservant suddenly understood.

On the other side, Su Yan turned a corner and bent down.

"Don't follow me, if you're hungry, then just eat the snake that just bit me."

Her voice was small, but it was loud enough for Nan Tang to hear.

Following this, Nan Tang heard the sound of rustling among the grass.

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