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Chapter 17: A bed, a guy, and a whip cream

🍪Ellie's P.O.V

I was woken up by the feeling of wanting to puke and my head pounding furiously as if saying to get my ass up and walk to the bathroom.

My body followed suit before I could comprehend. One minute I was sleeping on the floor and the next I was bending unto the toilet and vomiting everything even my feelings for Alec.

Haha, I wish.

A few seconds before I felt someone taking a hold of my hair and tying it into a ponytail. I gently pushed the person away because even I was feeling disgusting by it.

"Get—bloo—away—bloo—from me," I let out, pausing in between to vomit.

"You fucking idiot! Why would drink tequila on your first time?" My mom's frustrated voice rang in my ears.

"Mom?" I asked, squinting my eyes to see if it was indeed her.

My mom indeed stood next to me with a glare on her face. She wore her silky pajamas and had her hair in a messy bun.

"How did I get here?" I groaned out, flushing my vomit before closing the toilet lid.

"You reek of alcohol darling. Give your mother some respect and take a fricking shower. I'll be waiting downstairs," She grumbled, walking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

I touched my head, a grimace forming on my lips. I tried to remember what happened last night but it was blank.

Blank as a white coupon bond.

I forced myself to stand up, stumbling lightly on my own feet and accidentally stubbing my toe on the wall. I let out a curse and took a hold of my toe to massage it lightly.

I did a small stretch before stripping out of my the oversized shirt that I now wore and hopped into the shower stall.

Mom must've changed me last night knowing I'd be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans. Ugh, I love my fricking mom.

I took a deep breath, glancing at the shower head before twisting the shower knob quickly and taking a step back away.

I tried not to let out a squeak but failed when the cold water missed me by an inch.

This time, I took longer than my usual ten-minute showers. It was spent with me trying to remember what the fuck happened after seeing the duo and of course, rubbing every inch of my body to ensure I'm 100% alcohol scent free.

I walked out of the bathroom feeling quite sluggish but the cold shower made the pounding on my head lower a notch.

I paused in my tracks at the sight of a sleeping half-naked Todd on my bed. I turned my stare at the floor where a small blanket and pillows were set up.

Wait, so the cold feeling that I felt on my back was because I was sleeping on the floor?

My eyes widened and I let out a horrified gasp. I hastily made my way towards my drawers and took some undergarments before taking a random clothes on my closet.

I headed straight to my bathroom before changing into those quickly. With the towel still wrapped on my head, I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to Todd.

"What the actual baboon are you doing in my room Todd? Shit. Why are you sleeping in my bed? and why was I sleeping on the floor?" I demanded, pulling at his arm.

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