41. Pick A Side

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"Zoe," Ben repeated as he pushed away from Will's grip and threw himself on the ground beside her.

The life had drained from her, taking with it all the colour from her skin. Her eyes were no longer green like fresh grass in the spring. They were blank, clouded like a field on a cold winter's morning. He held her head on his knees as banging erupted against the gate. The blood had stopped pouring from her neck as Ben's hands traced her skin as if his touch could somehow bring her back.

"Come on, Zoe," he mumbled, tears striping his cheeks. "I just came back."

Ben looked up to Will and it was the look in his eyes that made my heart sink. They weren't just wild, they were frightened. It didn't belong on his face and it scared me.

"Will?" He choked as he held Zoe tighter in his lap.

Will only shook his head before looking forward. I made my way over to the two of them and crouched down beside him.

Carnelian's gates were almost wide open and Will turned to Chris and Jake. "Keep those gates closed for as long as you can."

"What about me?" Apollo scowled as she dropped the rifle.

Will paused. "Pick a side," he said before turning back to the town.

It was the permeating smell of decaying flesh that broke through first and where there should've been noise, there was none. The crowd Will had told to retreat to their homes were now flocking from them, armed with whatever they had as they saw Zoe and Ben on the ground. They piled themselves against the gates, pressing their bodies against the wood to keep them out.

"Ben, she's gone," I spoke, resting a hand against his shoulder.

His head shook, as did his body. "No," he refused.

I glanced to the gates where the crowd was struggling with the weight of bodies against it. "Ben, please," I urged. "She's not coming back." I glanced to where Jake was handing out weapons to Will and the others. "Carnelian needs you," I said as his head lifted. "I need you."

It seemed they were the words he needed to hear as he turned towards me. Where tears had streamed his face, his skin now lay dry, a hatred burning behind his pupils. He let me pull him to his feet and I helped him lay Zoe against the fence.

"You okay?" Tom asked as we reached the group. He passed me an axe from the pile and I spun it around in my hands, feeling its weight.

"No," Ben replied, taking a gun from the ground.

Will placed a hand against his shoulder. "Maybe you should head inside, sit this one out."

Ben looked offended at Will's touch. "No," he stated again. "She doesn't get to win." He turned to the crowd behind as he lifted the gun. "Bandanas out!" He shouted. "Cover your faces!"

The crowd followed his instruction, myself included, as we pulled masks from our pockets.

"Ben, Chris, you take the platform," Will instructed.

"What about Em?" He asked, turning to me.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine," I said gesturing to the gate. "We don't have time to argue."

"We can handle it," Tom added, punching at Jake's shoulder.

"She's right," Will agreed. "Time's up."

I joined the group that was plunging their weapon into the creatures that had invaded the quiet camp. They came one after the other with no way of telling which would be the last. My eyes locked on one who was staggering with no direction. Bones cracked as he snapped his neck towards me which was followed by blood-curdling silence.

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