Chapter 20 : The Talk

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If we accept being talked to any kind of a way, then we are telling ourselves we are not quite worth the best. And if we have the effrontery to talk to anybody with less than courtesy, we tell ourselves and the world we are not very intelligent. --Maya Angelou

Luna's P.O.V.

I stayed where I stood watching Theo leave while everyone else just stood there staring at me in amazement. However, the only thing cluttering up my mind is the fact I just saw Aria and Theo turn is too big wolves! Is this real!? It's like I'm living in a Twilight movie, but only better since I just kicked a wolf's ass! Now that I think about it everything is starting to make more sense. The growls. The color of the eyes changing. How everyone calls Theo alpha. I even heard Kendall be called beta. Everyone that lives in this big house is wolves. This is their pack!


I turned to face Kendall who had a sheepish look on his face.

"Y-yes?" I asked. Damn. Voice cracked.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions to ask." Kendall started.

That's an understatement.

"What happens now," I asked.

"Well if you follow me, I will take you to Theo's study so that we all can talk."

Kendall lead me back into the house along with Sabrina, Clover, and Theo's parents. I could tell from behind me that Theo's father was staring me down with an intense gaze that could burn a hole in the back of my head. Seriously, what have I ever done to him? If it's because I'm human, then that is just wrong. Okay, girl. Don't go assuming. Let's just ride this out. Once inside Theo's study, everyone sat down in silence. We all had to wait for Theo to arrive so that this conversation could get started. I wish he would hurry and come. The silence was a killer! A few moments past and Theo stepped in. From the way he looked, I could tell Theo was upset and tired. Both in which I completely understand. This whole situation is just insane. How am I not flipping out is the bigger question! I noticed that Theo was avoiding my gaze as if looking at me would bother him. Why? Oh, come on! Don't tell me I did something!? Now I feel like I want to cry.

"Let's get this over with." Theo began. "As you may already know Luna, we are werewolves. I am the alpha of this pack. My pack is known as the Midnight Hell Pack. I took over as a leader when my father stepped down. Kendall here is my beta while his mate Sabrina is our female beta. They are second in command. There are many ranks within the pack."

Okay then. I figured as much. Seriously. How am I not freaking out?

"That's not all." Kendall jumped in taking over. "Vampires, mermaids, dragons, fairies, all that you can think do exist."

Holy carp! This is a lot to take in! So, wait... Does this mean...she was real?

"The best part is we have mates that have been blessed by us by our moon goddess," Sabrina said holding Kendall's hand.

"Like soulmates?" I asked.

"Exactly," Kendall said.

"However." Theo's father said catching everyone's attention. "It is sadly a known fact that most do reject their mates. It's a painful experience that could kill you. Many have died from rejection. Those who haven't; their hearts become cold. Some even go rogue. It's possible to have a second chance mate and that is all."

Hearts become cold...? I looked back at Theo to reach his gaze, but he turned away again. Don't tell me...

"As you may have already guessed. My son was rejected by his first and second mate due to him being a horrible mate."

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