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  Jack arrived the next day at the crime scene. He met then doctor Patrick.

  " Before anything starts, there was that box that was left at the cell door you and officer partner names were on it. We didn't open it or do anything till you come just to see for yourself." Patrick said anxiously.

  Jack takes the box it did have his and Edward's name. He opened the box slowly as he started overthinking and he was worried. He opened the box finally it was the mask that was used by the killer of the Jason case. That white pale face mask with the knife that Mitch was killed with and a small letter he opened it and it said.

  ' Close call officers but a wrong one. Here's a little gift for you Jack until Edward returns to the city.'

  Jack felt a pain in his chest and was scared by what was said in the letter. Mostly that scared him that the killer knew that Edward was out of town.

  Jack then calls Joey and tells him to handle the victim's body and check for any strange things.

  Jack then called Edward quickly and warned him and told him what happened. Edward was on his way back to the city as it seemed like the anonymous antagonist wasn't an easy puzzle. Jack then went to check the cameras.

  " Last night security footage file got deleted. The killer had a key card for everything as if he worked here or knew someone that worked here." Patrick said.

  " But how did he get passed the securities?" Jack asked.

  " Every Tuesday there are no securities in the building only at the main gate and around the building and for inside the building we depend on the security footage just for that day," Patrick said.

  " Jason lives with you, sir? Isn't that right?" Jack asked and started to suspect Jason.

  "Yes, I know where your mind is going right now. But I decided to keep this the last thing as something else happened at my house and you need to come and check it for yourself." Patrick said anxiously.

  They arrive back at Patrick's house, Jason wasn't there he was at university. Patrick then told Jack to follow him, they reached a room that had some security footage as Patrick had cameras around the house and inside.

  He opens the footage for the night before. A mysterious figure came in into the house from the back door of the garden it was him the killer. He looked and waved at every camera as if he knew that he was being filmed and he wanted them to know that it's him. He went into Jason's room and just stood at the door he then got out a knife from his pocket and showed it to the camera then he left.

  " All of that happened at 2 AM. I didn't tell Jason about that," Patrick said shaking.

  " Don't worry we'll catch him," Jack said. He then got out his phone and called Joey he told him to try to figure how much time passed until the crime was discovered.

  Two days passed Edward was back on the case with Jack. They were discussing the break-in that happened, they get interrupted by Joey who had good news.

  " Sir, the body was killed between 3 AM to 4 Am. I couldn't find any traces or anything in the body." Joey said and then leaves.

  " That's impossible, the distance between The house and the solitary confinement is huge. How can a person get there so quickly?

  " How did he get there in a matter such low time?" Jack said angrily.

  " Are you trying to say that we're dealing with a superhuman killer?" Edward asked. Jack nodded his head in fear.

  Tracey comes in running and said, " Harry Camble the student in the university his phone location signal was suddenly lost as well as he was with a friend Reagan Mason her phone location signal was also lost.".

  They all quickly went and rode the car and went on their way to the last location the phone was connected to the signal.

  They arrived there Edward and Jack pulled out their guns and started checking the place. It was an old place that got abandoned, people used to go there to study and hang out. The two cops found Reagan.

  " What's going on officer?" she said worriedly.

  " Where is your friend Harry?" Edward asked.

  " He went to make a phone call. Here he is," she said as Harry returned.

  " We believe you both being here is dangerous and risky due to the current killer on the loose. So, please can you leave this area and go to study anywhere else? That's for your own safety." Jack said. The couple agreed and left as well as the cops.

  Between the bushes and trees, it seemed like there was a shadow of someone standing there watching.

  They went back to the police station and started watching the two clips. They started losing their mind as it was impossible.

  Joey came in watched and said, " What if it wasn't just one killer? Maybe they are two, three, four, or even five!"

  Tracey was interested in what he said and they all started a conversation around the subject.

  " I think as a conclusion he is a human because if he was not w could have been dead by now. He is a human but he has allies helping as well we can't deny that he is a pretty good hacker." Jack said.

  " I agree with you Jack. Well, for now, we just try to put things together and try to know one of the people working with him. So, if you can excuse me I have a meeting with doctor Patrick at his home.

  " I'll be back in two hours, Jack you are in charge. If anything happens I will call you the same goes to you." Edward said and left.

  While Edward was on his way to the house he met Jason on his way, Jason was buying some groceries. Edward told him that he would give him a ride back as they both had the same destination. They talked on their way about the crimes that are occurring and Edward gave some information for a plan he planned with Patrick on the phone.

  They reached the house, Jason puts the groceries. There was something strange as Patrick was waiting for them. Edward called his name as maybe he thought he was asleep. Jason went up to his room to check on him.

  He knocked on the door but nobody answered he knocked one once more no answer. He tried to open the door but it was closed, he tried to break open the door but failed.

  Edward came up to see what's wrong he told Jason that they would push the door together they broke the door and they found Patrick's dead body on the bed waiting for them.





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