Chapter 17: Yes, I do!

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"I wasn't looking when I met you but you turned out to be everything I was looking for."- unknown

Arabella POV

I walked nervously into the room waiting for the time. We are not getting married like other couples but this nervousness still made my stomach cringe. To be honest, I don't like this feeling at all.

"Arabella Dawson!" Here comes my happy-go-lucky bridesmaid.

"Wow, you look so stunning, amazing, beautiful, and perfect," she said energetically like always which I get used to it.

"Thank you for that but babe, I'm so nervous right now," I said to her signaling her to come closer, and she reached my hand.

"I know. I can see it clearly from your face." She chirped, chuckling while looking at my face like the word 'nervous' was written clearly on my forehead.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine soon," she said reassuringly. A sigh escaped my mouth.

"I don't know how my life will change once I officially become Mrs. Duncan," I spill out my worries.

"Chill, babe. He is a good guy. He will not do anything bad to you."

"How do you know? You don't even know him."

"Women instinct," she whispered. "From all your stories I know he won't harm you and he did this to protect you from that monster," she added in a serious tone.

"And deep down here," she pointed at my heart, "I know you also believe that he is a good guy. Just admit it," she continued.

"I don't even know why he cares so much for my problem. We are a stranger, and he accepted dad's idea for this marriage. The truth is that he blackmailed me for this marriage and in exchange that he will keep Matt's issue as a secret."

"Correction, babe. Not blackmailed but he offered and you accepted it. So, it is a deal." She said defending my so-called soon-to-be husband.

"And now you are on his side," I sulked at her words.

"Oh, babe. I always stand on the right side." I rolled my eyes at her which caused her to laugh.

"You will find out soon when you guys start to live together, spend more time together, honeymoon, cuddling, making a baby-" My ears quickly catch her words.

"Stop. You are talking nonsense, Jess." I covered her mouth with my hand, so she won't utter any words. She put her hand up as surrender and I released my hand.

Our conversation was interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Come in," I responded.

"Ara, honey," dad entered the room. "You are so sweet today," he complimented, pulling me into a hug, and patted my back. I felt warm in his embrace.

"Thanks, dad," I said, accepting his sincere praise. The satisfaction and happiness were all over his face.

"It is the time," dad said offered his arm to me. I nodded and placed my hand on dad's arm.

"Let's go," I said and inhaled a deep breath. I glanced at Jess, and she nodded her head in return. She held the tail of my dress, and we stroll toward the aisle.

Every eye was on me and I felt my cheeks turned hot and I could tell that it turned red. I don't like to be the center of attention. We agreed to have a private wedding in which only close family members and friends were invited. No reporter, paparazzi, and outsiders allowed for this event.

From afar, I saw my very soon-to-be husband stood in front of the stage with the priest waiting for the ceremony. He had that prince charming look with his black-tailed tuxedo combined with silk and his hair was neatly combed, a white rose was placed on the left side of his tuxedo. He stared at me intensely just as how I stared at him without me noticing it.

"Here, I entrust you, my lovely daughter." Dad's voice snapped back to reality as he placed my hand on Dom's palm. I could feel my nervousness rose which I'm not sure it was due to the attention of the guests or because of his intense gaze. He smiled at me and I returned nervously.

Dad took a seat beside mom who was in the first row with Dom's parents. The priest started to do the most important part of today. The priest did the blessing and joined our hand and asked the crucial question.

"Do you take Ms. Arabella Dawson as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for the worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?"

"Yes, I do." He said firmly with confidence, without any doubt. He stared into my eyes when he said those three magical words and it made my heart beat rapidly.

"Do you take Mr. Dominic Duncan as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for the worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?"

I turned my face and looked at mom at dad. They smiled sweetly and nodded their head in unison as a sign of approval. I turned my face to him and answered, "Yes, I do." We heard the whistle and screams from the crowd.

"It is time to exchange the ring," said the priest while Jess handed it to Dom and followed by me. He slipped the ring to my finger to which I did the same to him. He intertwined our hands and this time I just let it pass.

"You are now officially husband and wife. You can kiss your bride." The priest declared, causing me to blush, and the crowd cheers for us. I want to say 'no' but I know I can't do that in front of the public.

"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" They encouraged him to take action which caused him to chuckle.

I felt his hand cupped my face and make me stare at him. "I will protect you every moment. I promise," he whispered before placed a deep kiss on my lips. All the guests cheered happily for us.

Dominic POV

I knew she was nervous, so I tried to calm her down. I rubbed the back of her hand that I hold tightly in my palm. I could hear the voices from the crowd urged me to kiss her. I cupped her face and made her eyes on me before I captured her lips with a deep kiss.

"You are biting your lips," I whispered after the kiss. Her cheeks are red due to the shyness.

"You can kiss me on my cheek or forehead," she whispered through her gritted teeth while maintained her smile since we were still on the stage.

"I'm an opportunist," I reminded her. I intertwined our hands, and we walked down to meet our family and friends. Everyone congratulated us with their wishes, kisses, and hugs. After that, everyone enjoys the event to the fullest. I felt relieved and happy with the ceremony today and from now we are officially husband and wife. My next mission is to make her attach to me physically, emotionally, and mentally. Greedy much? Indeed.


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