Chapter Twenty-Five

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On the day after Halloween, Carter's lunch table was considerably emptier than usual.

Many people in his broad circle, like Joey Ashley, Bobby Gonzalez and Scott Meyers, hadn't showed up for school. Jenna Torres and Chaz Wheeler sat with them, but they both looked like they had seen better days.

After lunch, Mr Thomas handed out the Calculus tests they had on Monday, already graded. Since transferring to AP class, Carter's grades had seen a small drop, which was concerning, seen as he relied on his math classes to give his GPA a needed boost.

His knee bounced up and down anxiously under the table as the teacher made his way down the room. When he finally reached Carter's row, Mr Thomas shot him a bland look behind his large glasses.

"Well done, Mr Parrish," he delivered tonelessly, placing the test on Carter's table.


He bit down his smile, trying not to look too excited in a room full of people drowned in top grades at multiple classes. He still couldn't help a grin, when he looked up to see Johnny smiling back at him.

As he walked into the locker room for practice, Carter was convinced his mood was too good to be demolished. Not that Coach Mason didn't seem to try.

Joey and the others had shown up for practice. Surely, they measured their options well enough to realize the risk of angering Coach wasn't worth a few extra hours to sleep off their hangovers. They looked terrible though, as did half the team. 

Coach grilled them for thirty minutes about the irresponsibility of skipping sleep and making unhealthy choices at their age—even more so during football season, when they were expected to be at their best. He made up for those thirty minutes in extra practice time, despite the increased difficulty he chose for that day's training session.

By the time he told them they could go, there wasn't a single player who wasn't red-faced and drenched. Except maybe Seth, but that was just favorable genetics.

As the team scattered off to the locker room, tired and lead-footed, Coach called Seth over to see him. Carter hung back.

"I only need a word with Queens, Parrish."

"It's fine," Seth said, walking up to Coach. Carter followed after a hesitant beat.

Coach nodded, scratching at his jaw. "Some of your teachers came to talk to me," he said, looking at Seth. "Apparently you're not putting in the necessary amount of work in your classes."

Seth crossed his arms over his chest. "I know my grades aren't great so far, but I'm working on it, Coach."

"I can help," Carter chimed in. This wasn't his conversation. He was there only as a spectator. But he couldn't help himself.

"That's not all," Coach said. "I heard you got detention today. As well as last week twice. And your attendance isn't stellar."

Carter looked at Seth. His best friend's eyes were dead set on their coach, though, with a sort of bland resolve.

"I'll work on my attendance, and my attitude, and my grades," Seth promised.

"You better," Coach told him. "I've been trying to defend you, but if you don't show some sign of improvement I'll have to bench you some day."

Seth nodded. "Yes, sir."

They didn't mention any of it as they made their way to the locker room. Carter waited with his head cast down, while Seth undressed to go to the crowded showers. There was no need to act like he was searching for something in his bag as there was no one around. When most of his teammates had returned to their lockers wrapped in towels, Carter moved to the vacating shower area and it was Seth's turn to wait for him as he got dressed in the end, despite both being late to different commitments. 

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