Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!

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Finally, Kaminari has joined in Raimon Soccer club and become the official member in the team. And everyone agree that Kaminari should become the team captain despite he's not really wanted to be the captain. Even Riko, the council student, join Raimon Soccer club as manager. Now, Raimon is praticing to prepare for the Soccer Festival.

Kaminari: *pass the ball* Minamisawa!

Yuuya: *receive the ball* Okay!

He and Kaminari run beside each other while others are trying to block them from reaching the goalpost. Then Yuuya back pass at Homura.

Kaminari: Shoot, Homura!

Homura: Yes, sir!

She kick the ball hard toward the goalpost but Higashi able to punch it away.

Homura: Damn it!

Higashi: That kind of shoot won't work on me!

Yuuya: Instead of aiming to the front, try to shoot from the side.

Homura: You're telling exactly what Papa told me before during training at our home...

Yuuya: Then you should be great full. I don't even know why Gouenji pick someone like you to be his adoptive child.

Homura: Hey! Senpai, don't insult me!

Kaminari look at the team that is praticing very hard so they can win this year's Soccer Festival. It's hard for some of them to accept that Kidou left the team.


All of them felt really suprised when Kidou decided to leave.

Higashi: Why, Coach?

Kidou: My time in Raimon has up. The soccer associetion has decided who will be the new coach for Raimon.

Yuuya: But... it was you the one that lead us all this time!

Kidou: *smile* Sorry if I ever disappoint any of you.

Homura: Captain, say something!

Kaminari: There's nothing I have to say. If Kidou-san wanted to leave the team, I won't stop him. He said his role is over, so it's over.

Kidou: Kaminari, it's up to you to make this team into a good use.

Kaminari: *look away* I know...

Kidou: *walk away* Farewell.

Homura: Coach!

Shin/Shun: Coach!

Asuma: Coach!

(Flashback End)

Kaminari also felt frustrated when Kidou left the team. He's been a great coach to Raimon team for all this time, just like Endou.

Ren: I wonder who will be our new coach?

Homura: I hope not someone that put us to bad use...

Asuma: Here I come!

Higashi: Come on!

Asuma run to the ball and kick it really hard. Instead of heading toward Higashi, it went upward and fall outside of the field.

Asuma: I'm sorry!

Higashi: It's okay. Try again later.

While they train, someone went to the ball outside of the field. The person pick up the soccer ball and look at the team.

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin