15 | All On Me

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Very convenient poster for this chapter, so thank you samlubooks.  Love these covers!  And we're picking up right where we left off...

Chapter 15: All On Me

I slipped into Luke's bed and sunk into the soft mattress. The covers felt soft on my skin and his scent comforted me. I was wearing his old T-shirt and nothing else.

So this is where I am

In bed and trying hard not to look awkward. I was also trying hard not to stare as he dropped the towel from around his waist.

He dropped the towel.


jumping mother of a weasel in a side car

His back was facing me, and it took all my willpower not to stare. His tanned back muscles were so well defined and his bu-

I had to lift my hand to my chin and actually rotate it towards the wall.

The naked wall.


"What are you laughing about?" he asked me.

I tried not to turn in his direction. The more I told myself to avoid looking, the harder it was not to look.

Luke put on black boxers and came towards me.

He threw the covers off and got into bed next to me. I felt his arm touch my side and, when he moved, his leg touched mine. 

I was nervous. And when I say nervous, I mean incredibly, overwhelmingly, utterly terrified.

He pulled the covers back over us and turned in bed to face me. His blue eyes seem so vivid at night. He rested his hand under his head and his other hand reached out to stroke my waist.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

It's probably a good moment to pulse check.


No pulse.

I'd forgotten to breathe. Partly from nerves, partly enthralled by the situation. Thank goodness he can't read my thoughts.

I could feel his fingers over the thin fabric of my t-shirt, moving it slowly up. He rubbed his thumb in circular motions.

I didn't want to move to ruin the moment.

My head rested against the pillow while my heart exercised fastest in its life.  We'd forgotten to draw the curtains and moonlight streamed into his room. It was the early hours of the morning and we still hadn't gone to sleep yet.

Aside from the two of us, not a soul was awake in his house.

His lips rested on mine and he kissed me softly.

I snuggled into his arms and felt the contrast of his soft lips and his hard chest on mine. The covers rustled over us as he got into a better position. My arms reached out to him and his body leant over mine.

He propped his weight on one arm, to avoid putting it all on me. I felt the lines of his abs and then the band of his boxers.

"It's ok," he whispered.

I looked up at him and saw the gentle gaze in his eyes. He let his finger run through my hair and wrapped a strand of my hair around his index finger.

He knew today had scared me. He knew I was scared in general. And, I think, he was a little bit scared too.

In a way, Luke faced a lot of pressure and he never had a free moment to let it out. He was always competing.

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